Friday, September 28, 2007


The New Mystery Bumper Sticker is Out Now! Yup Blatant Marketing at it's finest. Hey it's missional! Represent your church. Proclaim our Mission. Be accountable for your driving skills. It's so much more than a sticker...It's Mystery for your car!

They are available for $1000.00, which all goes toward the work of the church. Or free on Sunday Nights.


"Behavioral compliance to rules without heart-change will be superficial and fleeting. The gospel changes your heart. " Tim Keller

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Oh Lord, you have searched me and
known me!
You formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's whom.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in the secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Psalm 139:1,13-15

Monday, September 24, 2007


J.I. Packer- “Because God is what he is everything else is as it is.”

Truth is reality & Ultimate reality is God who the bible says is himself the essence of all that is true.
Mystery believes in one True Triune God- Sovereign, Perfect, Just, and loving.

God’s truth is not explained by us- it explains us.
Truth is not found, it is Revealed in creation, in through the Bible and primarily in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Mystery believes the Bible is God’s self-disclosure to mankind, the final authority for faith and life. All of the Bible leads us to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone

Jesus is Truth and is Life for those who receive him as Savior and Lord by faith alone.
In our day and age truth as seen as relative, everything is to be questioned- including then relativism.
Ideas have consequences-“Ways of thinking produce ways of acting”- Piper
Bible is either about you or Jesus. Only one of those is true.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Believe in a Thing Called Love

"To feel God’s love is very precious, but to believe it when you do not feel it, is the noblest. He may be but a little Christian who knows God’s love, but he is a great Christian who believes it when the visible contradicts it and the invisible withholds its witness."- Charles Spurgeon

Monday, September 17, 2007


“Do you want to know your new life is real. Commit yourself to a local group of saved sinners. Try to love them. Not 3 weeks, not 6 mo. but for years. You will find out, others will too, whether or not you love God.”
- Mark Dever

Community is Messy- Just the Way God likes it.

“Community is a Gift of Grace”- Bonhoeffer


Home Groups Begin Next Week. We would like to see everyone that calls Mystery their church in a home group. As we grow it's hard to maintain intimacy. Through HGs we live real life, authentically and openly. We live as family, knowing one another, our needs, our concerns and our hopes. We can grow in Christ through study of the bible, prayer, fellowship and experience. Pick a Home. Commit to Community. Love and be Loved.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


On August 25th Mystery gathered as a family to celebrate. We joined as the church to share real life together.

Jesus has done a lot in the lives of this rag tag group of people over the last year, but none quite as cool as this. Two young men who have submitted their lives to Jesus where baptized. It was a wonderful gospel moment. They where joined by family and friends, shared their testimonies and were immersed in obedience to scripture and the call of Christ.

It was awesome. This was followed by a Mystery family picnic. The Holy Spirit, Transformed lives, Good friends, Good food and plenty of sunshine, simply an awesome day to experience God’s grace and to be the bride of Christ.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Home Groups Begin Next Week. There are several locations around the city with three nights to choose from so there is bound to be one for you. We will be going through the book of Galatians as a family this semester so its a great time for community, worship and study together in a much more intimate setting than Sunday nights. Everyone who calls Mystery home should be involved in one.

Get more information and Sign up on Sunday nights or email us at Include "Home Group" in your subject line.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Hey everyone –
Just wanted to remind you back to school donations are due THIS Sunday. This is the last day to bring your gifts. If you haven’t already purchased your donations, please purchase one of each of the following items:
-hand sanitizer
-room deodorizer
-Kleenex boxes
-healthy snacks
-nonperishable foods
-loose-leaf notebook paper
-board games and puzzles with all of the pieces
-books and books on tape
-Zipped trapper keeper binders
-Reward items
-AA batteries

This is more than simply buying and giving supplies this is an opportunity for God to change us – he doesn’t need us, but he lovingly calls us to sacrifice and experience his grace- we get to not have to.


Through the month of September we are walking through a series called “Family Values”.
We’ll be discussing the DNA, or heart, of Mystery- What makes us who we are- makes us unique.

Values are the Core Concerns of any society, individuals and movements- the hub of culture.
As Mystery Moves to a new stage as a young church it's important to articulate who we are, getting everyone on the same page.
Our Family Values are our deeply held convictions & priorities. They are what influence and motivate everything we do.They define us as a church and as a people who make up this rag tag community of Christ Followers
Values explain us, and teaching us how to relate to God, Each Other, to our city and the world in which we live.

It's a Great time to check out Mystery. Come see our vision, hear our hearts and learn what makes us tick.