Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just wanted to say hello and remind you of everything that's
going on around here. Sundays have been exciting and the
weeks are full of Mystery too.

Check the updated web site for current happenings.

Lately I've seen churches using gimmicks to get people to
come to church. Some even have door prizes....yes door
prizes. While we dont have toasters, ipods or color TVs
(and wont by the way) we do have great people who love
Jesus and want to live along side others who want to love
Jesus and live out the gospel too.
Life is hard. Its tough out there. We know it aint easy and we
know that following Christ and living by Faith is a tricky thing.
Mystery longs to be a church where it's ok to be not ok, to have
fears, doubts and even difficulties. No perfect people and no

Maybe join us this week and see. Maybe bring a friend.
Maybe see what its like to be real among a bunch of people
like yourself.

Are you in Home Group? We have several to choose from.
Are you growing in the gospel, community & love for the city?
We hope so.
Do you have it all figured out? Neither do we....

Love Mystery

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Two Sides of Mission

The missionary command of Christ for his church has two sides:
1) There is the command to go and disciple, which is an impossible task itself.
2) There is the promise from Jesus to be with us as we obey the command, which is the power to do the impossible task

Taken from Outgrowing the Ingrown Church - C. John Miller

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ministry Leaders Meeting

There is a meeting tonight (Monday the 15th) for everyone involved in leading areas of ministry for Mystery.
It is from 7-8:30pm and we are meeting at the First Presbyterian building. Please be there.

Vehicle for Gathering

"The church herself is more than the goal. She is also the vehicle, the instrument, for gathering in the people of God. Christ has no other agency for accomplishing this work." - John Miller

Ministry Leaders Meeting

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

MYSTERYCHURCH.COM OVERHAUL is updated with a new look & more stuff!
Check out all the new content, resources
and information. Find a Home Group, more
about Mystery or answers to common Questions.
Find out all the latest happenings and Events.
Surf on over now and check it out. Book Mark Even!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


God is a Missionary. He saves sinners and builds a church to send them back into the world to transform whole cities and cultures. The church belongs to God. We are redeemed to worship and for the mission of restoration. We exist to push back the darkness and bring the light of the gospel to the people and places where God has placed us. We are not a social club- Every follower of Jesus is a missionary sent with a mission- first across the street, then throughout the city and around the world.

Monday, October 01, 2007

A New Series - By Faith


“Do you want to know your new life is real. Commit yourself to a local group of saved sinners. Try to love them. Not 3 weeks, not 6 mo. but for years. You will find out, others will too, whether or not you love God.”
- Mark Dever
Community is Messy- Just the Way God likes it.
“Community is a Gift of Grace”- Bonhoeffer