Sunday, December 27, 2009


As we launch into a new year in life and as a church it's a great time to reflect and think about where we have been and where God is calling us to. In a three week series called NEW we will examine from the pages of Matthew what it is we are called to be, who we are and how we are to live as Christians. Join us Sunday mornings at 10am starting January 3rd as we look at having a New Life, New Identity & New Resolve in 2010.

This is our life and it's short. What will you do with NEW?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Biblical Marriage Class Coming in January

Married? Getting Married? Dreaming about Marriage? Struggling to yours work? Mystery wants to help. As a church full of young couples, new marriages and even some that have been together awhile we realize it can be a little confusing. God intended our marriages to be strong, lasting, healthy and enjoyable. He has a plan for us that works toward his glory and our joy. Want to know what it is? You can.

This January Mystery is presenting Biblical Marriage - A four week class on Sunday evenings beginning January 10th at 6pm. We will eat, study and discuss what it is to be covenanted together with Christ and one another in Biblical, Gospel Centered Marriage. Whether you are pursuing getting married, needing to realign your marriage in terms of the gospel or want strengthen your relationship this class is a great place to start. It's worth the time for any marriage and essential if you are wanting a pastor from Mystery to marry you.

Sign Up for the class beginning this Sunday in the foyer before and after our Worship Gathering.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Eve Service 2009

Christmas at Mystery is all about Jesus. Any reason to get together and sing and celebrate the birth of our great Lord, Savior and King is a good reason. Join us as we gather this week in anticipation of Christs coming and conclude Advent. Come party this Christmas Eve with Mystery - Thur at 6:30pm. Come sing songs, hear the Christmas story and light the Christ Advent candle. Bring the family and some friends and lets Enjoy Jesus together.

Advent Devotional Wk 4

Advent Devotional Wk 4

Preparing our Hearts for the Arrival of Jesus this Week

Sunday December 20

Mic 5:2-5a, Ps 80:1-7,

Heb10:5-10, Lk 1:39-45

Monday December 21

Ps 113, Gen 25:19-28,

Col 1:15-20

Tuesday December 22

Lk 1:46b-55, Mic 4:1-5,

Eph 2:11-22

Wednesday December 23

Lk 1:46b-55, Mic 4:6-8,

2 Pt 1:16-21

Thursday December 24

Is 9:2-7, Ps 96, Titus 2:11-14,

Lk 2:1-20

Friday December 25

Is 52:7-10, Ps 98, Heb 1:1-12,

Jn 1:1-14

Monday, November 30, 2009

Advent Devotional 2009

"When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy." - Matt. 2:10

Mystery is once again celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior and King this Christmas season. Its our hope that as a community Mystery will celebrate the Incarnation of Christ and look forward with great anticipation the return of our good King Jesus. Attached for download is our compiled daily devotional for use with family and friends. This is a great time to remember Jesus and introduce your friends and family to Jesus. Through traditional Christmas stories, Prophetic Old Testament Texts, Prayer and Hymns we are encouraging Mystery as a community to study the scriptures looking for Jesus to celebrate his coming, his life, his sacrifice, death and resurrection. Download the Devotional, attend our services, and come celebrate the King who has come to bring us Hope, Love, Peace & Joy!

Download The Advent Family Devotional

Advent Daily Reading

Mystery is celebrating Advent this year beginning this week. Listen to yesterdays sermon "The Hope of Christmas" by pastor Nate Karnes and then begin using this daily reading plan for the week to move our eyes and hearts toward Jesus. We will be posting daily readings here each week, beginning with this post as well as a family devotional that you, your family and your friends can use to study, celebrate and worship Jesus this season. Check here each week for the weeks readings and look for a post with a link to the Mystery Advent family devotional today.

Enjoy The Season, Enjoy the Savior

Week One Daily Reading

Sunday November 29

Jer 33:14-16, Ps 25:1-10,

1 Th 3:9-13, Lk 21:25-36

Monday November 30

Ps 90, Num 17:1-11,

2 Pt 3:1-18

Tuesday December 1

Ps 90, 2 Sam 7:18-29,

Rev 22:12-16

Wednesday December 2

Ps 90, Is 1:24-31, Lk 11:29-32

Thursday December 3

Lk 1:68-79, Mal 3:5-12,


Friday December 4

Lk 1:68-79, Mal 3:13-18,

Phil 1:18b-26

Saturday December 5

Lk 1:68-79, Mal 4:1-6,

Lk 9:1-6

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Give Love Video

Watch this short video for our Give Love initiative and then come participate with us in extending the joy of Christmas & Christ to our city and around the world.
There is so much going on this time of year. What if we slowed down, spent less, engaged and enjoyed more?

GIVE LOVE VIDEO - Click the video to watch full size.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Beginning on the fourth Sunday before Christmas day and ending on December 24th is what is known as the season of Advent. This year next Sunday, November 29th is the first day of Advent. Advent means “Coming” or “Arrival” and celebrates the first advent of Jesus when he was born in Bethlehem, and also looks forward to His second advent when he will come to reign as King.

This year at Mystery, we’re calling our Advent season “Experience Christmas”. This is a great opportunity to celebrate Jesus and focus our hearts on Him with friends and family, and there are several ways you can make this time both meaningful and fun:
Downtown Christmas Parade Party – On December 1st, Joplin is having it’s annual Christmas parade, and so we’re having a Pre-Parade party here at the church building! Invite your friends and family and come have a great time with us before the parade. There will be live music, great food, cookie decorating, ornament making, and paintings that tell the Christmas story.

Community Group Christmas Party – Invite your friends and
neighbors to join us on December 9th from 6:30-8:00pm,as we hang
out together, enjoy Jesus and one another.

Advent Devotional – Download Mystery’s Advent devotional from our website ( and go through the devotions with family and friends.

Advent Daily Bible Readings – Be sure and pick up an Advent Daily Bible reading plan before you leave, and then take some time each day to go through the scriptures that point to Jesus as the coming King!

For more on the Season of Advent, go to

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Give Love 2009

Mystery's “Give Love” campaign returns again this year even bigger and better! We are expanding our goals year, not only continuing to Give Love globally but also through a new way to Give Love locally! Here’s what’s going on:

GIVE LOVE GLOBAL – It has been a huge blessing to be a part of celebrating Jesus with our brothers and sisters in Uganda and India. We have a goal this year of raising $3000 so we can send $1500 each to Pastor Gerald in Uganda and Pastor Sudakhar in India. Give Love has helped the children and churches of these countries celebrate Jesus each Christmas, providing gifts and support where there is much need. Join us in giving love to these dear friends!

GIVE LOVE LOCAL – We have prayed for how we could bring Give Love to Joplin and this year we have a great opportunity! Watered Gardens is an organization in downtown Joplin that helps meet the needs of people in our area. We are partnering with them this Christmas to give away as many hats and gloves as possible! Mystery’s goal is to give a minimum of 50 sets (hopefully more!) to people in need. This is a very practical and simple way to extend God's grace and Give Love to Joplin! You can sew, knit or purchase gloves and hats for both kids and adults. All donations should be new and unused please. We want to give our best.
GETTING INVOLVED – Being involved in Give Love is easy. We are encouraging everyone at Mystery to donate to both the Global and Local causes this year. $25 or $50 per person and $100 per household would easily raised the money for oversees support. Likewise if each person gave 1 hat and pair of gloves we could warm more than 50 peoples heads and hands. There are Give Love Jars to donate to India and Uganda, and there is a collection box for your hats and gloves!

Make this a family affair. Take your kids shopping for hats and gloves. Let them pick them out. Teach people how to knit or sew. Make it fun. Encourage children to give their own money to the global fund. Talk about why you are doing it and how it expresses the gospel.

We give because we wee given and we are blessed to be a blessing. Enjoy Jesus. Give Love.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Family Meeting and New Member Day Nov 15th

Sunday November 15th is a big day for Mystery. Please make plans to be there. We will be recognizing our new members that morning and then following the service we will have a Family Meeting and Lunch with all of our new and current Covenant Members. This will be a great time to meet and mingle with people and hear some of what is happening currently and what awaits Mystery in the coming months. Please do all you can to be there especially if you are an Owner at Mystery. God is moving!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


New to Mystery? Interested in learning more about the church? Then Exploring Mystery is for you. The first Sunday of each month right after the service we have an informal time to ask questions, hear our story and meet the pastors and leaders. It's short and there are snacks. The perfect place to begin connecting with our church. See you there Nov. 1st

Monday, October 26, 2009

Women of Mystery Doing Lunch

Women of Mystery are getting together for lunch Friday November 6th at Noon. Join them at Deli du Jour 2310 S Main in Joplin. There will be food, fellowship and fun. This event is open to any and all ladies connected with or wanted to connect with other women at Mystery.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MAN DAY Saturday Oct 17th

Guys, the Gospel, & Guns!
Men of Mystery Dude Day Saturday October 17, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Cost: $25 for food, travel and fun.
All men are invited to this Men of Mystery all-day event. We'll meet at and leave from the Mystery building at 9:00 sharp!
We'll be heading to Claythorne Lodge ( for some Gospel training, Guns, and Good times! Lane Harrison from Lifepoint Church in Ozark, MO will be sharing with us at two sessions. He will be talking about what is required of the men of God and then how we can best structure our lives to accomplish all God's called us to as men. Oh and we'll be shooting some guns at Claythorne's Sporting Clays course!!

Every guy should attend. Cost is $25 for all day and covers lunch, and a round of sporting clays. See Pastor Nate for more details!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Great Day of Service

Sunday Sept 27th Joplin is having their annual Great Day of Service and this year Mystery is has gotten involved. We have adopted the 500 block of downtown. This includes the east and west side of main st. along with the block behind us (bar row) as well. We are going to be serving our city and loving our neighbors at the same time. Its an incredible opportunity!!

Here is how it will work. Sunday morning we will gather as usual at 10am to worship and love Jesus together and immediately after the service we will hit the streets to clean up and make our neighborhood beautiful, then we will regroup at our building at 2pm for a late lunch together.

What you can do. PLEASE get involved we need 30-50 people to pull this off well. Dress causal. Bring gloves, big black trash bags and lawn equipment (weed-eaters, rakes, etc.) Invite a friend. This is a great opportunity to connect people from all walks with your church family and live out the gospel alongside people.

Seriously mark your calendars and do all you can to make it. its only 3 hours of your afternoon and it could have an enormous impact on our city. Come help make Joplin a better place.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Men of Mystery Monday Night Sept 21st

Men of Mystery will be meeting this monday night 6:30pm at the Mystery building. We will be eating food and talking about what it means for men to fight for the gospel. This is open to all men (ladies encourage your guys to come).

The gospel is a fight - are you in?

Pass it on....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sermon Up - Temptation

Sermon audio from this week is available for download here. Pastor Nate Karnes spoke from James 1 regarding Temptation. How are we to over come sin? Does God temp us? What does it our sin require of God? Listen in for some great teaching from God's word.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Fall Ownership Classes

Want to know more about Mystery? Curious about Christianity? Looking for a church home? Interested in making Mystery your church? Maybe you just have some questions? The Fall session of our Ownership Seminar Begins Sunday Evening Oct 4th. This class is aimed at answering your questions about Christianty and our church. It consists of 8 sessions over a four week period. Classes begin at 5:30pm and go till 8 with a break for dinner. Childcare is available if you sign up in advance.
This class is a prerequisite for membership at Mystery and is a great time to make new friends and find the answers you are looking for. Its fun, informal and informative. Sign up Sunday mornings at our worship gathering.

Mystery's Gospel Identity - Worshipper

We are Worshippers

Everyone was made to worship. To worship is to revere and adore. When we worship we attribute glory and honor to someone or something. We all give ourselves and affections to something or someone. We’re hard wired to worship. Ever seen people at a concert or sporting event? Ever stood in awe of the mountains or the ocean? It’s in us and it longs to come out. We’re a church that worships Jesus.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism explains, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him for ever.” Jesus glorified the Father. (John 17:1,4) To follow Jesus is to bring glory to God- to worship him. We want to grow as worshippers. There are many idols and false gods in our city and in our lives. We want to replace them with the God of the bible, his truth and grace. As Followers we live to enjoy him everywhere, please him in everything and love him completely.

At Mystery this means we:
Live Holy Lives- Respecting God’s holiness - Keeping ourselves from sin
Live Humbly- Thankful for God’s Grace - Considering others above ourselves
Live Responsibly- Stewarding and managing God’s resources, accountable action
Live Obediently- Keeping all God’s commands- Doers of the Word not just hears

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Saturday Work Day September 12th

Join your church family and help ready the building for fall all church work day Sept 12th 10am-2pm. Lots to do and many hands would definitely help. we will be fixing a few things, cleaning and painting the front of the building. come join us. bring a friend and introduce them to your church family. Mark your calendars and make plans to be here Sat. Sept 12th. If you have questions or need specifics contact Vance Eden or talk to him at our Sunday gathering.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Gospel in our Trials

The reality of life is sometimes things are hard. It's a false gospel that says being a Christian is easy and that God desires that you be healthy, wealthy and trouble free.

Mystery is two weeks into our study of James and already James, in just the second verse, brings up the subject of trials. It was an issue in the lives of the early church and it's still an issue today. Life in Christ is still life. Anything that happens to a person can still happen to a Christian. THe question is not "if" Trials will come but "When and in what form". The better question for us is how are we as Christ Followers to respond to suffering and difficulty?

First we need to expect trials. They will come. Second we need to not evade or escape difficulty, but rather embrace them and ask ourselves what is God teaching me about himself, my sin and the gospel in this? God takes us through things more than around them.

Our world would have us believe trials are bad, but the gospel, while not giving us exact answers, does give us the tools to respond to suffering. Trails according to James yields spiritual maturity. He calls it "steadfastness" or "Stand-Fast-Ness". The ability to endure and grow through persevering.

What are the rewards of standing fast in suffering and difficulty. James gives a few in verse 2-4.
One Trials reveal and test our faith in God. Jesus wants us to know and acknowledge who we worship, live and hope in cause it has great consequences. Only Jesus can forgive sin and give life, so we want to know if it's Jesus we are loving and serving. Next Trials Refine our Faith. God is out to complete us in him and trials show our needs and build us up in the gospel. Refining is a process of progressive strengthening of our confidence in Christ. Lastly trials Realign our hearts. They are designed to move our eyes off ourselves and onto others. To turn our trust to God and nothing else, to turn our attention to the Cross of Christ and all that he accomplished for sinners in his life, death, burial and resurrection. Finally trials move our minds to have an eternal perspective on things. The kingdom of God is now, but it is also not yet. We need to consider our future in Jesus. It may seem rough now, but it will not be like this forever. Jesus will renew and restore all things. That is good news.

If we learn to live well in our trials, trusting Jesus and growing in the gospel there is peace and joy to be had in this world, even in the midst of difficulties, struggles an suffering.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising bthe shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. - Heb. 12:1-2

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Have you check out lately? new stuff abounds. New color scheme and new links. Check it out.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Living Sent

“As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” - John 17:18

The church exists to fulfill the mission of the Christ. As he was sent into the world, so we are sent. What does this mean? It means we are sent to rescue the lost. First and foremost we want to show people Jesus and see them come to love him. We are sent to make disciples. Jesus command modeled his method. He did not say go make converts to a religious system, rather go make disciples. We call people to come see Jesus, then to follow and remain in him. Making disciples is the means of fulfilling the mission. Call people to trust Jesus person and work, to obey his teachings, to be baptized and join his church on mission. It’s in him we find life and on mission that we find our meaning in life. We were made to worship God and witness of the gospel flows from hearts worshipping Jesus.

Being on mission will also require being in the world. We can’t hide in our Christian ghettos. Do we really need another Christian version of anything (Christian gas station, car lot or hair salon) or do we simply need Christians living and working in the city, for the good of the city. The church is called to gather, but we are also commanded to scatter, to fan out into dark places bringing the light of the gospel to bear. Think of everyday, everywhere and everyone as an opportunity to worship Jesus. Who came for you, saves you for himself and sends you for his glory and your good.

Lastly we are sent in community. God the Father sent God the Son who sent God the Spirit. Jesus prayed we would be like them, working together for God’s glory in harmony and in community. Discipleship and mission is a community project. Don’t think invitations and events, think community and involvement. Christian is a verb more than it’s a noun.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pure Religion - New Series in James

Mystery is starting a new teaching series this Sunday August 23rd through the book of James. How does the gospel work itself out in our lives? Whats the difference between looking Christian and being a Christ Follower. Is religion dangerous? How? We will be spending the next several months in the book of James looking at a life shaped by the gospel. Join us 10am Sundays downtown and then during the week at one of our community groups to explore James in more detail.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Come learn about and love Joplin. Experience art, music, people, food and so much more. This Thursday 5:30-8:30 Main St. in Downtown Joplin. Check out the Galleries hosted by Mystery and the many more local artists featured throughout the Main St. galleries.We are in need of people to help set up this Wednesday evening at 5:30. If you can come serve the artists we would appreciate it. Also we need people from Mystery to help Thursday the night of the even. Thee is something for everyone, hosting, clean up, name it we could use it. Work a couple hours, meet new people and walk the rest of main street. Excellent Missional Opportunity for the whole family or for you and your friends.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Evidence of Abiding Pt 2

"By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." - John 15:8

Five ways you know you are abiding in Christ - Living as his disciple (John 15:1-17)

1. Living a Life of Obedience v.10
Are you lead by His Word
Are you living in accordance with His Will
Are you walking in His Way of living

2. Living a Life of Dependence v.7, 16
In Me…My Word, My Love, My Commands
Is you life marked by desperate and dependent prayer?
Are your prayers God glorifying, Christ Focused and Mission minded?
Is your life lived confident in and dependent upon the Spirit of God working in you?

3. Living a Life of Love
Are you loving God and people?
Are you loving people as God loved the world, sending his treasured son?
Are you loving the church as Jesus loved his church?
Are you loving others as Christ loved you?

4. A Life Lived in Community v.12
Are you known by and knowing those in your church?
Do you meet regularly with other Christians involved in the same local church?
Are you praying and playing with each other outside organized church times?

5. Life Lived on Mission v.16
Has anyone seen Jesus reflected in you this week?
Are you not only living as a disciple but making disciples?
Are you sharing the gospel verbally as well as visually in your life?

Ask your self these questions. Analyze your life honestly. Repent of any area not in line with the gospel. Allow God to prune you so that your life bears much fruit. Pray for God to make your life more and more in line with the gospel and more and more looking like Jesus'. For his glory, your joy and the good of those around you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Evidence of Abiding Pt 1

Many people think that becoming a Christian is the same thing as being a Christian. We tend to see following Jesus as a one time event rather than a constant and continual lifestyle. To truly be a disciple, or Christ Follower, we have to following Jesus daily. Following him means we have had our eyes and hearts opened by the Spirit of God to see Jesus as he is - God, Savior and King. It means to respond to the Spirit by following Jesus faithfully. It means receiving a new identity (his) but it's also LIVING in this new identity each and every minute of each and every day. Jesus calls it "Abiding" in John 15. The word means to remain in, survive by, or exist. Thats pretty powerful. Not only does Jesus offer life, but he is life and to truly live we must remain in him. It's daily trust in his daily truth. Are you right now living in the reality of who Jesus is, what he has done and who you are in him? Are you relying on his identity and responding out of it in each and every decision? That's what it is to exist in Christ.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fall Community Groups

It's that time of year again! The fall is coming. Schedules are getting tighter, school is starting and people are coming back to town and settling down from vacations and travels. It's exciting for a church and also very busy. The best part is that Mystery's Gospel Communities start back up. The last week of August our Community Groups reform and begin gathering together to laugh, share, care, study and pray with one another. Community Groups are where growth and relationships happen at there best.
We have double the number of groups this fall to six! We have groups from north to south Joplin and into Webb City. There is one for everyone and our goal is to see anyone and everyone that calls Mystery home connected and committed to a Community Group. It's the gospel, it's family, it's vital as well as enjoyable.
We've got lots planned for the fall through our groups including missional involvement in the city, serving the church, our neighbors and those in need. Also we will be studying through the book of James together during the week as well as teaching through it on Sundays.
Everyone is welcome. Find and sign up for a group at our Sunday Morning gathering. It could be the best thing you did this year.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's Happin at Mystery - Fall 2009 Kick-Off Calendar

Hello Everyone.

Hope your enjoying the awesome mild July temperatures. Wanted to let everyone know what' going at at a church called Mystery in the next few weeks. Be sure to check out the website ( as well as our blog, facebook and twitter feed for more information.

-Tonight Wed the 29th Last Mid Week Mystery community gathering and Jonah bible study 6:30 at our downtown location
-This Sunday August 2nd New series "Disciple" - What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
-Sunday August 16th - Re-Launch weekend. School begins and so does a new semester of Mystery - Invite your friends & neighbors
-Sunday August 23rd we enter out fall series on through the book of James
-The week of August 24th Community Groups begin. We'll have information and sign-ups in the coming weeks
-Exploring Mystery Sunday September 6th - This is immediately after service an is a time to hear our hearts, ask questions of our pastors as well as eat snacks and meet members of Mystery. It lasts about 45 minutes and is a great entry point for new guests.
-Ownership Seminar - This is Mystery's Membership and Gospel 101 class that will take place Sunday evenings in October. Its for people examining Christianity and/or looking to make Mystery their church. Everyone's welcome.

Stayed tuned. It's an exciting and busy time of year and Jesus is definitely at work in the people and hearts of Mystery to see the city transformed for his glory and our good. Mark your calendars and make plans to be part of the excitement!

Love Live Enjoy - This is Mystery

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


August is a time where we transition from summer into the fall. This means getting back int he groove, back on schedule and back to school. For Mystery is means getting back on mission. We'll spend three weeks in August looking at our Discipleship Pathway. What does it mean to be a disciple and make disciples. Come and See, Follow Abide and Multiply as we regather and head into a new season of gospel growth at Mystery.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


“Thou art beaten that thou mayest be better” - John Bunyan

Monday, July 13, 2009

Suffering and Decisions

“When God brings suffering into your life as a Christian, be it small or drastic, he is forcing you to decide on issues you have been avoiding.” - Joni Eareckson Tada

Friday, July 10, 2009

Jonah and the Gospel pt 3

The Gospel is for the lost and for the saved. Not only did Nineveh need the gospel but Jonah needed the gospel. Christians must live with constant reminding of both our sinfulness and God’s grace, continually repenting of sin, living our way over his will, and , always acknowledging his mercy and grace to save a sinner like me.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Jonah and the Gospel pt 2

“Boasting is the response of pride to success. Self-pity is the response of pride to failure.” – Piper

Jonah felt arrogant because of his heritage, status and success which caused him to loose sight of grace and become unwilling to share it. His racial and religious stressfulness caused him to feel superior to others.

When Jonah failed to run from God’s presence he overtaken by self-pity and despair. He could not meet his own expectations of perfection.

This is why we all need the gospel. It is the only message that that crushes our pride and repairs our confidence, making us both Holy and Humble.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Jonah and the Gospel pt 1

Jonah needed the gospel to bring him down to size. He then needed the gospel to build him up in grace.

We all like Jonah need the weight of the gospel to bring us down to size. Then through the grace of gospel God builds us up in hope & joy.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Jonah Study Guide

During the month of July Mystery is walking through the book of Jonah. It a very small yet very rich book. We will be preaching through the book on Sundays in July as well as gathering in Community on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm to unpack the book. Bellow, as well as on our primary web site, you will find a link to download Mystery's Jonah Study Guide. It's designed to be used as both an individual study and as a group study. We recommend you answer the personal questions prior to meeting on Wednesday nights and save the Community section for everyone to work through together during the week. Hope you enjoy looking at Jonah through the lens of the gospel and its affects in the lives of a church on mission.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Reluctant Community

This July we are preaching through the book of Jonah on Sunday mornings. We will also be gathering in community as family to study the book in the context of community and mission on Wednesday nights beginning July 8th. We will be meeting at the Mystery Building at 514 S. Main in Downtown Joplin from 6:30-8pm. There will be plenty of snacks along with small group study, conversation and exploration of what it means to have God pursue us, save us, send us and love us. Join Mystery as we go deeper under the waters of God's grace this July.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Summer Commitments

Summer’s here and we hope you are enjoying time with family & friends. Please don’t forget your family at Mystery. The kids ministry could especially use your help during these months while are people gone.If you’ve commited to help please fulfill your commitments. If you are able
to serve our children & parents please let our children’s ministry know.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

No Generic Grace

It was God the Father who permitted and purposed his Sons death on the cross. How does this change our perception of grace, of God's salvation, of his eternal & purposed love? What does this say about me a Christian? How does this effect my worship, my attitude & my actions? How does this answer the question so often asked, "Why would a loving God allow pain and suffering?"
God knows suffering. He knows it has an end and a purpose that we might not see, but he does. God is intimately familiar with grief and loss. He is also intensely determined to love us and lavish us with his grace. Do you know the great love with which he has loved you? The infinite price he paid to purchase our dead lives? Not with perishable things like money and things, but with with the precious blood of his Son.
What a purposed and particular love is the Cross of Christ. What a great love, far deeper reaching and than an all inclusive "love" or generic grace.
"It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me." Gal 2:20

A life lived fully for God's glory is fueled by the fire of God's electing love.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

July Jonah Series

It's 100000 degrees outside. Perfect time for a swim. Come cool off with Mystery as we dive into the book of Jonah in July. It's more than just a story about a man and a fish, it's the story of God's pursuing, saving, sending love for humanity seen in the life of one rather reluctant man.
Along with the Sunday sermon series we will be looking at the book in the context of community on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 at the building. It's like one big Community Group for the month of July complete with food, conversation and missional activity. Make plans to join us beginning July 5th.

Half-Hearted Creatures

From the opening of The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis

If you asked twenty good men to-day what they thought the highest of the virtues, nineteen of them would reply, Unselfishness. But if you asked almost any of the great Christians of old he would have replied, Love. You see what has happened? A negative term has been substituted for a positive, and this is of more than philological importance. The negative ideal of Unselfishness carries with it the suggestion not primarily of securing good things for others, but of going without them ourselves, as if our abstinence and not their happiness was the important point. I do not think this is the Christian virtue of Love.

The New Testament has lots to say about self-denial, but not about self-denial as an end in itself. We are told to deny ourselves and to take up our crosses in order that we may follow Christ; and nearly every description of what we shall ultimately find if we do so contains an appeal to desire. If there lurksin most modern minds the notion that to desire our own good and earnestly to hope for the enjoyment of it is a bad thing, I submit that this notion has crept in from Kant and the Stoics and is no part of the Christian faith. Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Fight Club Tonight June 29th

Men of Mystery who are enrolled in Fight Club. Pastor Steev's group meets tonight at 6:30pm at Pizza by Stout. Be there.

Faithfulness & Achievement

"Live your Christianity as a religion of faithfulness rather than an idolatry of achievement."
- J.I. Packer

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Commands vs. the Cross

2Cor. 8:8 - I say this not as a command...

If you need a new law or a command to give then you don't understand gospel. There is not a law that is capable of changing a man. There is not a rule or regulation capable of perfecting a person.There is not a single statute that can save a woman from sin and death. This is reason for the gospel, the good news of God's unmerited mercy and free forgiveness offered at the priceless expense of his own Son. This is why salvation is all of Grace. Not a cheap grace. Not a merited gift. God did not save us reluctantly or under compulsion. The Father in love chose us, pursued us and adopted us. It is a great grace he lavished upon us while we were dead in sin and enemies of his.

This is the gospel we respond to every week as we come forward to take communion - remembering his kindness, generosity and the grace we have received in Christ Jesus. It is out of this gospel of grace that we give our tithes and offerings each week.

The measure of how much we give is not an issue of commands, but of the cross. As we look at the tree that Christ clung to willing, we are released from the things that we cling to so closely.

The ridiculous Grace of the gospel frees us to be radical in our generosity!
“God prospers me not to raise my standard of living but to raise my standard of giving”
- Randy Alcorn The Treasure Principle

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sacrifice & Generosity

If your giving doesn’t require some change to your lifestyle, it’s not gospel generosity.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Knowing Grace & Growing in Generosity

But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you—see that you excel in this act of grace also. I say this not as a command, but to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. 2 Cor. 8:7-9

Generosity is the means of most measuring maturity in Christ. Paul tells the Corinthians to examine their giving and willingness to give as a test of genuineness. He says it's one thing to say you believe, to talk of believing, to know what you believe and look like you believe, but it's also important to excel in "this act of grace also" Our generosity exposes our gospel genuineness. Earnest faith in Christ is seen in eager generosity. Christians are to be radical givers. We know that we have been made rich in Christ so we no longer seek the things of this world to find our significance and security. We are not trusting in treasures or gold and silver but in the most valuable commodity the earth has ever known - the blood of Christ. Jesus left riches, wealth and storehouses of heaven for us a bunch of bankrupt, guilty embezzlers. What immeasurable grace is this - that the God of all would empty himself of everything to make me rich eternally.

Is the grace of the gospel seen in your generosity? Have you Experienced the saving grace of Jesus? Are you Expressing grace, Extending Grace, Excelling at Grace in your time, with your finances and in your willingness to sacrifice your lifestyle for the sake of the gospel which says that Jesus sacrificed himself for you. Are you Enjoying Grace today? Does it show?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Love and Holiness

"The place God's love and holiness embrace is at the cross." - Philip Ryken

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Absolutely Nothing

One in Five American Christians give absolutely nothing to anything – Translation all their money is spent upon themselves. Is this our right response to the gospel?

For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but gfor him who for their sake died and was raised. 2Cor. 5:14-15

Throw it Away

“Money never stays with me. It would burn me if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible, lees it should find it’s way into my heart” - John Wesley

Monday, June 15, 2009

June Artwalk

God is Creator. We are made in his image to create and celebrate creativity because it reflects him. From May - Oct Discover Downtown happens the Third Thur. of each month 5:30-8:30pm all along Main St. in Joplin and throughout down town. Mystery is one of the host galleries. Come by and experience music, art, food and fun. We will have things for the kids, multiple exhibiting artists and just a great time of enjoying our city and exploring creativity.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Stewardship Study

As we begin a three week look at the gospel and our money in our Kingdom Economy series we have compiled a study guide to be used by individuals, families and Mystery Community Groups for personal study on the subject of biblical stewardship. You can download it by clicking the link below. There are 18 days of study. That is one daily lesson for Monday-Saturday for each week of the series that coincides with the weekly teaching. Our hope is that you will be challenged and encouraged to trust the gospel and experience the joy and freedom of gospel generosity.
Download Mystery's Three Week Stewardship Study

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Series in June - Kingdom Economy

Money. We all need it, make it, spend it and talk about it in some way. With the economy as it is everyone is talking about money. How to save it and how to spend. Funny thing, Jesus talked about money as much or more than anyone.
This June Mystery will be looking at Money from God's perspective. How does He see money? How does he intend for us to use our money? How do we keep from loving and serving money? These are important and timely questions for all of us. Join us as we look through the gospel lens at our finances beging Sunday Morning June 7th at 10am. 514 S. Main in the heart of downtown.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Causual Christians

"Casual Christianity is faith in moderation. It allows them to feel religious without having to prioritize their faith...Casual Christianity is the best of all worlds; it encourages them to be a better person than if they had been irreligious, yet it is not a faith into which they feel compelled to heavily invest themselves." - Barna

Check out the whole interesting article here Casual Christians and the Future of America

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

June Reminders and Opportuntities

Hello Mystery. Hope you guys had a great holiday weekend.

Wanted to let you know a few things for the week and get you thinking ahead to June.

Discover Downtown and Artwalk where a HUGE success. The artists and visitors we so thankful for and supportive of Mystery. To everyone who helped and participated THANK YOU VERY MUCH. If you did not get a chance to help we will do it again this month. The Third thursday June 18th is the show and the third Wed June 17th is set up. We will have sign ups for both. Please come support the arts and experience downtown. Its a great gospel time of serving and sharing.

As an added bonus Mystery will have its own space this Month!! Thats right we are asking anyone who is part of Mystery to contribute your work to display this month as part of the Artwalk! This is open to kids and adults. We are looking for photography, painting, sculpture anything you would like to contribute to the cause.

As part of the the Mystery space we would also like to do a silent auction to benefit a local charity. So please consider contributing to this as well by making one of your works available for purchase.

If you would like to be included in this event (and we know we have lots of talented people at Mystery) Please let Pastor Steev or Pastor Nate know ASAP so we can plan out our space.

* Please let any other regular attenders of Mystery who might not be in covenant know about this great opportunity by passing this along and sharing it with the artists you know at Mystery.

Enjoy Jesus and live on mission the week he has given you. You are loved, prayed for and appreciated.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Discover Downtown

Discover Downtown tonight! From 5:30-8:30pm there is all sorts of activities for you, friends and family. Stop by the Mystery gallery on the ArtWalk. It's a great time to get to know the people and places of your city. The weather's gonna be great. See you tonight.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Photographers Wanted

Calling all photographers. We're looking for images of Joplin to use for worship backgrounds on Sunday. Interested? Email -

Faithfulness & Achievement

"Live your Christianity as a religion of faithfulness rather than an idolatry of achievement."
- J.I. Packer

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Saving Time

Sometimes we think we are too busy to pray. That is a great mistake, for praying is a saving of time.
- Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

All Community group Picnic

Attention. Community groups will not meet at their regular time or location this week. Instead we are all coming together to celebrate the end of the semester and the beginning of summer. All of Mystery, friends, family and guests are invited to our end of semester picnic. This Wednesday May 13th 6:30pm At Ewert Park in Joplin, between 4th and 7th. Bring food for your family and something to share with a guest. Mystery is providing the drinks.
This is a great time to grow as Family. There is plenty for the kids to do as well as adults. Come enjoy Jesus with his people this Wed. Night.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Men of Mystery meets tonight

Hey dudes.
Men of Mystery Meets tonight. 6:30pm Vance Eden's Home in Webb City. Horseshoes, conversation and food. Bring a friend. Bring your own beverages. This is a night for the men of Mystery to simply Enjoy Jesus and one another.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Imitation - New Series Starts in May

April showers brings a May series....or something like that. Beginning this May Mystery begins a new series called "Imitation". We will be looking at embodying the gospel identity of Mystery. What does it look like to live like Jesus as a Worshiper, Learner, Servant, Missionary & Family?
How can we be like Jesus and avoid being fake. These are things we will explore through the month of May. Join us.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

God's Love

"In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." - 1 John 4:10

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sisters of Mystery

Sisters of Mystery are meeting tonight - 7pm at the church building. All the ladies of Mystery are encouraged to come. Dads, watch your kids so the moms can be there too.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Owenrship Back on Track

Ownership classes resume this week. Friday night 6:30pm and Sat morning 10:00am at Mystery downtown. Looking forward to seeing everyone after the Easter break.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Crossless Christianity

There is no Christianity without the Cross. It is the central image of our faith. It is the be the single focus of our hope and our strength. It is the sole motivation for our mission. The cross is everything for the Christian for we are nothing without it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and the Church

"When the Church begins to work with Easter energy on the twin tasks of justice and beauty, we may find that it can face down the sneers of sceptics, and speak once more of Jesus in a way that will be heard." - N.T. Wright

Click to read the full article from TimesOnline

The Church must stop trivialising Easter

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sin and the Cross

"There is no death of sin without the death of Christ." Puritan John Owen

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Knowing the Cross

If we are ever to truly understand Jesus Christ we must first know and understand the Cross. It is through the cross we come to know ourselves, our great sin and our glorious savior.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mystery!!

This past weekend (the first weekend of April) marks Mystery's the second anniversary of our Sunday Worship gatherings. Some of you have been with Mystery from the beginning - through the home bible studies, Sunday home church and weekly prayer and planning meetings.
We began 2 years ago with a Sunday night service at Historic First Presbyterian Church in Webb City. Slowly we grew and changed as God brought people and continued to build his church.
In January of this year we moved into our new location in downtown Joplin and in February moved to a Sunday morning service.
Yesterday we celebrated with cake and shared our stories of where we have been, how we got here and where we see ourselves going. It was a great time.
As I looked out over the growing number of people this week I saw new faces, new stories, new opportunities for the gospel and I was very moved to thankfulness for all God's grace, patience and blessing. We certainly do not deserve all Jesus has done and is doing. He is incredibly loving and faithful to his people.
It's been two years of change, gospel transformation and formation. Two years of difficulty and stress, but two years of joy, wonder and excitement. I am very thankful for all those who have been apart of the last two and am looking forward with great anticipation to ten more.


Fight Club Blog

Attention Men of Mystery enrolled in one of our Fight Clubs. There is a new blog set up to host conversations and insights as you are attacking the assignments. You need to be in a group to access the site. You should have received an invitation via email. Create and account or log in so you can access the site and be part of the conversations. Check your email and join us in the ring.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sin and Saddness

"Your sadness over your sin should be greater than fact that it complicates your life." - Paul Tripp

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Dreadful Implications

"Few people ever think about the dreadful implications of being under the wrath of God. And most of all, none of us even begins to realize how truly sinful we are." Jerry Bridges Gospel for Real Life

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jesus Came to Die Pt 1

Christ came into this world to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). The mission of Jesus was to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15) and the means of accomplishing his mission was the Cross. Jesus came with the cross in mind. He was born to die. Not like all of us who will die, but Christ, God the Son and God the Father purposed that Jesus die. His life's goal centered on being put to death.
His life was lived with one destiny in mind, a hill outside the city gates, a bloody and violent death atop the hill. Jesus carried our curse up the hill (Gal 3:13) became the curse. At the top of that hill of death he was murdered. Nailed to a tree to die. Disgraced, shamed and shunned for our sin.
To this end he came, to Die, so that by faith in him we might live.
Have you ever thought about Christ's death as for you? How about because of you? Have you ever pondered the determination of the cross? Have you have considered the implications of the cross?
Have you ever marveled at the love of the cross?
It was for love he came. It was in love he set his face toward Jerusalem. it was for love he endured the suffering and pain. It was for love he Came to Die.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Suggested Reading for Easter 2009

This week at Mystery we started a new series called "Jesus Came to Die" looking at the implications and applications of the cross on our lives. Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Seattle (one of our supporting churches) has written an incredible book Death by Love. It is a series of letters written over the years to various church members that pulls specifically from Christ's atoning working on the cross to address and answer everyday persons concerns, fears, issues and sins. It is theologically rich, deeply practical and very personal. Its easy to read and understandable written conversationally so it's an easy read.

Part of our Gospel Identity at Mystery is to grow as Learners. We want to grow in our knowledge of God so that we can best worship and enjoy him. Each month we recommend books and resources for people to read. This Easter season as we preach and teach on the cross Mystery highly recommends Death by Love to anyone looking to unpack and understand the grace and truth of the loving work that Jesus accomplished on the cross on the behalf of his people.

Clink the link to purchase it from Amazon or get it on Sundays at the Mystery Book Store for the same price.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fight Clubs Forming

Are you man at Mystery? Looking to grow as a follower and train to fight the good fight for King Jesus? Mystery is beginning it's first round of "Fight Clubs" for men interested in learning to lead as men in home, the work place, the church and in the city. Fight Clubs are a monthly meeting with one of Mystery's Pastors and a small group of like minded men to discuss issues of gospel, leadership, mission and church.

God has called men uniquely to work his creation and cultivate creatively keep his kingdom on mission and moving forward. God is calling you. Mystery needs you and the Brotherhood awaits. For more information email and we can get you plugged into a group. Clubs are forming now and space is limited.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jesus Came to Die - New Series Starts Sunday March 29th

New five week series looking at five reasons Jesus came to die begins this week March 29th.
Why did the Son of God come to earth and live among us? Jesus Christ came to earth and lived for the express purpose of Dying. Jesus laid down his life willing as a sacrifice and specifically to save sinners from God's Wrath, to save his people from the Invisible Hold of Sin, to save Self-righteous people from Themselves, to Defeat Death and Give us Life.
This is the gospel. An understanding of depth of Jesus Death is the crucial truth for believing and becoming a Christian. It is also the catalyst for continuing change and freeing life for the Christian. Join us as we look in depth at the gospel and the finished atoning work of our Loving King Jesus on the Cross.
Sundays 10am 514 S. Main in Downtown Joplin.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Onwership Starts This Week

Mystery's next round of membership classes starts THIS FRIDAY evening at 6:30pm. If you are not signed up please email us at so we can get you enrolled and have all your materials. There is childcare, but you will need to let us know in advance.

Class Schedule is:
Times: Fridays from 6:30-8pm, Sat. 10am-11:30am

Dates: Friday & Sat, March 27th - 28th,
Friday & Sat, April 3rd - 4th,
*Easter Weekend No Classes
Friday & Sat, April 17th – 18th,
Friday & Sat, April 24th - 25th

Friday, March 20, 2009

Why Join a Church?

Mystery Ownership Seminar (Member Classes) begin next week. In anticipation Pastr Nate has written Big C little c…

1 Peter 2:4,5
As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

When we become a Christian, when we come to Jesus, we become a part of Christ’s bride, the Church – with a big C. Our union with Jesus makes us part of God’s family; we have brothers and sisters all over the world! We are also connected to men and women in the very town or city we live in. 1 Peter tells us, we are built up as a spiritual house as we come to Christ. That is why it is important for us as believers to be a part of a church – with a little c. To be “built up as a spiritual house” means we are connected to one another. We are dependent on others, and they are dependent on us. As Mark Dever says in What is a Healthy Church?, “By identifying ourselves with a particular local church, we are telling the church’s pastors and other members not just that we commit to them, but that we commit to them in gathering, giving, prayer, and service. We are telling them to expect certain things from us and to hold us accountable if we don’t follow through. Joining a church is an act of saying, “I am now your responsibility, and you are my responsibility.” Our life as a part of the big C Church gets expressed in our life as a part of the little c church, and so that is why we join a local body. Within that local body, we care and are cared for, we love and are loved, we support and are supported, and we encourage and are encouraged. To not join or be committed to a local church is to withhold those things from others as well as ourselves. A solitary stone is not a building, it becomes part of a building as it is connected and bonded to other stones.

So live out your life as Christ’s bride and part of the big C church within the context of a little c church where you live. It pleases God, brings glory to Christ, and blesses both you and others!

- Nate Karnes

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Smaller Gospel

Great post over at Desiring God by John Piper on not letting the gospel ever grow small.

Read it Here: Never Let the Gospel Get Smaller in Your Heart

Monday, March 09, 2009


We are inviting all the men of Mystery to gather Sunday Night March 22nd, 6:30-8pm at the Mystery Building. Any dude who calls Mystery there church at all is encouraged to attend. We will be talking about being men of God - Men who Live as Christians, as Men and as Leaders. We'll be eating free food also be unveiling our new plan and direction for training up men to lead their homes, the church and in the city.
Wanted to grow in knowledge and wisdom as biblical men? Want to learn how to fight for the gospel and be the men God has created us and call us to be? Come and join the Fight Sunday March 22nd 6:30pm.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Lenten Reading List

The season of Lent is upon us. As we anticipate the coming of Easter and the celebration of our Savior Jesus Christ rising from the grave we are encouraging everyone to prepare their hearts and minds by reading scripture and mediating on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. THis reading plan will get you through all four of the gospels by Easter. It's easy and manageable with only a few chapters a day.
Ask yourself as you are reading: Why did Jesus come? What was his end goal? How did he love & live? Where do I find myself in the story? What does this say about God, about me and about the depth of God's love, pursuit and provision.
This is an incredible time of year and awesome opportunity to draw near to Christ.
May you Worship & Enjoy Him.

Mystery Lenten Reading Plan 2009

Day of the Week Date Text to read
Ash Wednesday Feb 25 Matthew 1-3
Thursday Feb 26 Matthew 4-6
Friday Feb 27 Matthew 7-9
Saturday Feb 28 Matthew 10-12

Sunday Mar 1 None
Monday Mar 2 Matthew 13-14
Tuesday Mar 3 Matthew 15-16
Wednesday Mar 4 Matthew 17-18
Thursday Mar 5 Matthew 19-20
Friday Mar 6 Matthew 21-22
Saturday Mar 7 Matthew 23-24
Sunday Mar 8 None
Monday Mar 9 Matthew 25-26
Tuesday Mar 10 Matthew 27-28
Wednesday Mar 11 Mark 1-3
Thursday Mar 12 Mark 4-6
Friday Mar 13 Mark 7-9
Saturday Mar 14 Mark 10-12
Sunday Mar 15 None

Monday Mar 16 Mark 13-14
Tuesday Mar 17 Mark 15-16
Wednesday Mar 18 Luke 1-3
Thursday Mar 19 Luke 4-6
Friday Mar 20 Luke 7-9
Saturday Mar 21 Luke 10-12
Sunday Mar 22 None

Monday Mar 23 Luke 13-14
Tuesday Mar 24 Luke 15-16
Wednesday Mar 25 Luke 17-18
Thursday Mar 26 Luke 19-20
Friday Mar 27 Luke 21-22
Saturday Mar 28 Luke 23-24
Sunday Mar 29 None

Monday Mar 30 John 1-2
Tuesday Mar 31 John 3-4
Wednesday Apr 1 John 5-6
Thursday Apr 2 John 7-8
Friday Apr 3 John 9-10
Saturday Apr 4 John 11-12
Sunday Apr 5 None

Monday Apr 6 John 13-14
Tuesday Apr 7 John 15-16
Wednesday Apr 8 John 17-18
Thursday Apr 9 John 19-20
Friday Apr 10 John 21
Saturday Apr 11 1 Corinthians 15
Sunday Apr 12 EASTER!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Romance, Dating, Marriage & Sex - FORUM Q&A

Live questions, lively answers about sex, love, romance and marriage. we've been in the Song of Solomon for several weeks and will be coming to a close march 8th. What questions have come about in your mind? what do you do with them? where can you find some answers. Well Mystery is hosting a live Q&A to help answer and point to answers regarding God's view on marriage, dating, romance, sex etc.etc. Got a question? Fill out a card starting Sunday during our worship gathering. or Email "". Join us for a night of honesty and answers.
Note: this is a 17 and up event and there will be no childcare.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Want to know more about Mystery? Curious about Christianity? looking for a church? Interesting in making Mystery your home? Just have some questions? The Spring session of our Ownership Seminar Begins Friday Night March 27th. This series is aimed at answering your questions about Christianty and our church. It consists of eight sessions over a four week period. Friday evening 6:30-8pm and Saturday morning 10-11:30am. There is food and childcare available.
This is a prerequisite for membership at Mystery and is a great time to make new friends and find the answers you are looking for. Its fun, informal and informative. Sign up Sunday mornings at our worship gathering.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Currently Mystery is in a series called Love Song looking at romance, love, marriage and sex from a biblical perspective. These subjects bring up many questions for the church, Christians and men in particular as leaders called to love their wives and lead the church.
A huge struggle for men of all ages is lust and pornography. Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill church in Seattle has written an online book called Porn-Again Christian that's available to read for for free at and in downloadable pdf format.
I would encourage every man and definatley every guy at Mystery to read this book.
It's short, honest, biblical and very convicting and extremely helpful in dealing with such a pervasive and invasive issue weighing on men's hearts.
Download our Love Song series on the Song of Solomon and join us ove rthe next few weeks as we continue to talk about issues every Christian should address.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"You can't market your church if your church isn't ready to sacrifice."

Monday, February 16, 2009


Looking for a way to connect with others and learn more about Mystery? We're having a family feast March 1st right after the morning worship gathering. We'll eat and enjoy together as a church and as a family. If you are a member/owner of Mystery we are requesting your presence. We will be giving a bit of an update as well as some goals for the coming months. Everyone is Welcome and the festivities are open to friends and guests - bring someone and share the fun. It's a great opportunity to meet more of Mystery, cultivate new relationships, ask questions and eat some great food. Make plans to attend.
If you would like to help with food, check the bulletin for how to help, contact Erin Karnes or email us at

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Every one of us is, even from his mother's womb, a master craftsman of idols.
- John Calvin

Friday, January 30, 2009


As One Body with One Heart we want to…
....see lives transformed and a city changed by the power of the Gospel.
…build a great city for all peoples centered on and empowered by the Gospel.
…help believers and non-believers alike examine the claims of the Gospel and learn how one applies the message and strength of the Gospel to their lives.
…offer hope & healing through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
...teach people to live free and fruitful lives in the knowledge of Christ’s finished work. a church that connects the “always churched” with never churched.
…reflect the reconciling work of God in our lives through our reconciliation to one another.
…pursue a diverse community of people as an expression of unity established the Gospel.
…cultivate healthy marriages through the Gospel.
...grow healthy families through the Gospel.
…affirm the beauty of creation and creator by embracing creativity and celebrating the arts.
…contribute positively and uniquely to Joplin’s culture, especially the downtown area.
…awaken joy and wonder in the hearts of those we encounter.
…be a church that listens to their neighbors and those not like us, admitting our own faults and needs.
…remember the poor. advocates for the least among us and a voice for the forgotten.
...comfort the lonely.
…joyfully serve those in need.
...see others as more significant than ourselves.
…address addiction and help bringing healing and transformation into broken, hurting lives.
...cultivate leaders in the city who love Jesus, his church and his city.
…call people to something bigger than themselves, death of self and to life in and as Christ.

Would you make these your pleas and prayers over the coming weeks, for yourself, for Mystery & for Joplin?

- a church called MYSTERY

Monday, January 26, 2009


That we would be a church that...
...Is of One Heart, One Body and One Mission. cut to the heart; regenerated, repentant living as missional worshippers by the power of the Gospel.
...grow in size, depth and ability by the power of the Holy Spirit. submitted to scripture- a bible reading, bible learning, bible loving and bible living people. a church desperate and dependant on God evidenced by continual prayer.
…acknowledges that people need meaningful relationships with God and with one another.
...lives and loves as a devoted family full of God’s adopted children. exceedingly generous meeting the needs of our own and those we seek to know – just like Jesus. full of the fear of God (deep respect, awe and adoration) leading to holy and humble lives.
...loves to gather together, eat, laugh, study, pray and play together.
...replaces inauthentic religion with genuine worship.
...make disciples not merely religious people.
...loves those who don’t know and love God, longing for and praying for their salvation.
...understands our city and culture.
...lives as missionaries and evangelists in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces.
...lives to please Jesus and not ourselves, seeks to know, grasp and live in the surpassing worth of Jesus.

Would you make these your pleas and prayers over the coming weeks, for yourself, for Mystery & for Joplin?

- a church called MYSTERY

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Serving God

“We should serve God not just because it is a duty, because serving him
is much more than that. We should serve God because it glorifies God. He is worthy of everything we can do for him and his church. Wouldn’t you agree?” —Donald Whitney

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy.
- John Calvin

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Service Time Change Febraury 1st


We have prayed about it for over a year and now it's finally happening. Mystery is moving to the mornings. Beginning Sunday Feb 1st our service time moves to 10am.
We are doing this for several reasons, the main one being for mission. Statistically morning services are what people ascribe to church. Believers and unbelievers both first think of mornings when they think of going to church. We want to reach people. Want want to see people become a part of real community and we want them to know and love Jesus above all else. So we will make ourselves all things to reach as many as possible this includes a morning service.
In consideration for those who work on Sundays we decided on 10am to allow ample time for worship and plenty of time to get to those 12 o'clock store openings.
Please mark your calendars now. Ask for time off, pray, invite and set your alarm. This is great time for Mystery and an opportunity for mission.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Opportunity

Hey everyone.

Well another week ends and another opportunity begins.

Two Things:
1. Saturday is another work day. We may be meeting at the new building but there is tons to still do. There is something for everyone and there is something for the next two saturdays and several weeks. Lets remind ourselves of the gospel and what Jesus has done and our mission to seek and save the lost. All the work we are doing is so that some might come to know him and out of lives changed a church will grow and impact Joplin for years to come. Its a great time to grow as community, in discipleship and ownership. My encouragement is that it is a great time to love, live and enjoy.
Please join us Saturday beginning at 9am. The more people participate the more gets done and the less there is to do later.

2. Sunday service. One word - Momentum. We had our largest gathering this past Sunday ever. There were new faces and familiar friends. Lets not waste this opportunity to share the excitement of what Jesus is doing with our friends, family and strangers. Connect with someone this week and invite them to come share in the excitement and even commit for a time to join our community. This is a great gift from Jesus that we can use to bring others to hear and share the love of Christ. It's bot simply Sundays either. Community groups begin next week. In our efforts to reach the lost we want to bring them into community completely. Invite to a service but also into the homes we gather in during the week and into our lives and families all week and everyday. We want others to experience relationships not just events. We want them to hear the gospel but also process and investigate it during the week with others. So gathering disciples is an invitation to walk with someone not just once but for a time among others on the same journey in the same context.

See you this weekend.