Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ladies Craft Night

Hey Ladies Come get your Craft on!
The Women of mystery will be getting together at Rachel Eden's house Monday December 8th at 7pm till the glue and paper run out!! They will be working on Christmas presents, enjoying food and fellowship. You dont even have to bring or make anything you can just come and enjoy.
Everyone is asked to bring a "finger food" to share. Christmas sweaters and Santa hats are encouraged but not mandatory. Bring a friend. It's a great way to live mission and connect friends outside and inside mystery.

* Note to husbands. Watch the kids for your wife this night. You need time with them and she needs a break. Love your wives like Jesus...let her make crafts.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ad·vent (n)
The arrival of something important or awaited.
This Christmas Mystery will be celebrating Advent as a church- the coming of Jesus, our Lord, Savior and King. We will be looking at the offices of Christ. Jesus came to fulfill the roles prophesied about the Messiah. He was to come and be the great Prophet, our understanding and intervening High Priest and good, loving King. This will be a time of expectation and celebration with classic and contemporary songs, liturgy and prayer.
We will also have an accompanying guide for families to use to celebrate Advent on their own during the week. Join us for this great time honored tradition done the Mystery way.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Prayer and Pursuits

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.
- Saint Augustine

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Show Yourself

Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children.
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands! - Psalm 90:16-17

I have recently began to live a little more expectantly. For so much of my Christian life I was unconsciously (maybe consciously) taught not to expect supernatural things from God. So we pray "if it's your will" or "Lord willing" or "please do this...unless you dont want to then do what you want." I think this is a cop out. I have come to see that at least in my own life what I was really saying was "I don't think you can answer my prayer" or "I dont think you will or even want to."
This is not the type of prayers we see in scripture, perticuallry as I have been going through the Psalms. Is this the God we are told to pray to? The God who can't answer, wont answer does not will to answer his children? This is not how Jesus taught us to pray saying in Matt 7 " ...which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" We are to ask with confidence, we are to ask expecting we are to ask assuming God desires to give good gifts, to make himself known and to glorify himself in answering our prayers and revealing his power.

Many people will respond saying the God doesn't do everything we ask - only according to his will. I would agree. But if I know Jesus, I will pray more and more according to his will and if I trust Jesus I will praying knowing he will respond in a way that DOES answer my prayer in a way that DOES bring him glory and accomplish his will. God's will should be a safe guard against our ignorance not a hindrance to our asking.

I have started to realize I pray week prayers. I pray me-centered prayers. I pray for God to give me the ability to answer my own prayers and accomplish my own will. The Spirit has been lovingly showing me my sinfulness in prayer. My unbelief in the gospel in prayer. My misunderstanding of grace and my projected fatherly issues attached to my prayers.
But God is a loving Father who desires to give good gifts. A mighty God who seeks to make himself known. A jealous lover who longs to save us from ourselves and sin.

What if we prayed like God could answer, would answer and wanted to answer? What if I prayed expecting his good, trusting is promises and pleading for his action so that we would see his glory, so that the world would see his power so that I could experience his love.

I'm starting to pray like that- honestly it's a little scary. It's a little odd. It's pretty exciting.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dependant Happiness

”Do not let your happiness depend on something you may loose. If love is to be a blessing, not a misery it must be for only the only beloved who will never pass away.” C.S. Lewis in Four Loves

Sunday, November 16, 2008


But, as it is written, No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him- 1Cor. 2:9

Friday, November 14, 2008

Conflict and Comfort

“A person must confront his own sinfulness in all its ravaging depths before he
can enjoy the comforts of salvation.” —Martin Luther

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So walk in Him

From Spurgeons Morning and Evening Devotional - Morning Nov. 9th

“So walk ye in him.”

Colossians 2:6

If we have received Christ himself in our inmost hearts, our new life will manifest its intimate acquaintance with him by a walk of faith in him. Walking implies action. Our religion is not to be confined to our closet; we must carry out into practical effect that which we believe. If a man walks in Christ, then he so acts as Christ would act; for Christ being in him, his hope, his love, his joy, his life, he is the reflex of the image of Jesus; and men say of that man, “He is like his Master; he lives like Jesus Christ.” Walking signifies progress. “So walk ye in him”; proceed from grace to grace, run forward until you reach the uttermost degree of knowledge that a man can attain concerning our Beloved. Walking implies continuance. There must be a perpetual abiding in Christ. How many Christians think that in the morning and evening they ought to come into the company of Jesus, and may then give their hearts to the world all the day: but this is poor living; we should always be with him, treading in his steps and doing his will. Walking also implies habit. When we speak of a man’s walk and conversation, we mean his habits, the constant tenor of his life. Now, if we sometimes enjoy Christ, and then forget him; sometimes call him ours, and anon lose our hold, that is not a habit; we do not walk in him. We must keep to him, cling to him, never let him go, but live and have our being in him. “As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him”; persevere in the same way in which ye have begun, and, as at the first Christ Jesus was the trust of your faith, the source of your life, the principle of your action, and the joy of your spirit, so let him be the same till life’s end; the same when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and enter into the joy and the rest which remain for the people of God. O Holy Spirit, enable us to obey this heavenly precept.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Friends, Family and Supporters of a church called Mystery

Hello. It’s my hope that you are doing well and enjoying Jesus. There is a lot going on at Mystery right now. Christ is moving in exciting ways. Lives are being changed, a city is being transformed and God is being glorified. We have seen new life in the form of new children, re-born individuals and new membership. Christ has been faithfully maturing us and bringing us new missional people and changing and lives. It’s simply amazing to be part of what Jesus is doing here with this rag-tag church in Joplin, MO.

I write this letter to share some of the excitement, but also to ask for your help. We are entering into a time of transition and are calling upon our friends, family and regular supporters to assist us by praying for and considering giving to a sizable step of faith God is clearly moving us to take.
Currently Mystery meets in an historic church in Webb City, just north of Joplin. We have been here by God’s grace for a year and half. We have been informed however that our lease will not be renewed come 2009. As much as we enjoy our current facility we feel very strongly that Jesus is moving us to the next phase as a church. We are actually quite excited about this opportunity and believe it will grow us in faith and size to settle into a place that can be more “ours”. This will allow us to express more of who we are creatively, stretch us spiritually and ultimately allow for greater missional opportunities in the heart of our city.

As we look for space closer into Joplin we are finding that church needs are unique and definitely not cheap. By all our estimates our monthly facility expenses will increase by four times our current level. We are not thinking extravagant by any means, rather we are moving into more realistic (normal) financial responsibilities as a church. Currently we have it very easy in terms of facility and day-to-day expenses.

Based on our estimates we will need a minimum of $60,000.00 to move into and make a facility usable as a church. Why so much? Well, churches, with all their needs (classrooms, a large meeting area, etc) also have some unique requirements from the city. A major expense to allow a growing congregation to gather all together is that the facility will require a sprinkler system and possibly additional code required upgrades. Currently we also use many items that belong to the church we use and will no longer have access to these items, things like nursery and children’s furniture, sound equipment and, for most of the locations, seating. And chairs I’ve learned cost a decent amount.

Again we are excited and a little anxious, but fully confident we are being lead clearly in this direction. That said we have entered into a rather ambitious step of faith. Mystery is trying, by God’s grace and your help, to raise $60,000.00 in 60 days beginning Nov.1st and ending Dec 31st. We feel this is a realistic amount for what we would need to move and make a building a church and home for Mystery. I have honestly tried to limit Jesus on this and have experienced his continued presence leading us to pursue this enormous step of faith so that he can show us, and our city, that he is indeed a good, loving and providing Lord. Would you please prayerfully consider contributing any and everything to our 60in60 endeavor? We have no flashy campaign, no color drawings or fancy mailers, we simply have an idea we know is from God and friends and supporters who we are asking to walk with us on an extremely exciting journey. We are anxious to share with you in joyous celebration the fact that God is truly amazing and good. Any amount helps. Every gift counts. Whether a one time sum now or increased monthly giving every gift counts.

We need to move quickly in terms of a facility. Allowing for build out, changes and code requirements we have a lot to do before the end of the year. Last year January and February where big growth months for us as a church, and we are hoping to capitalize on this and create momentum going into a new year.

We realize this seems over ambitious, even impossible, especially in our economic climate. For me personally this is all the more affirmation that it is Jesus. We have been called brave, crazy and unrealistic, but I prefer faithful. Please pray, fill out the enclosed card and send any and all tax deductible donations to Mystery Church care of 60in60. (mark that on the check). You can also give through our paypal account. If you would like additional information please contact me at or my cell is 417-483-4686. Thank you in advance for your prayers (we need lots) and for trusting God with all things. Jesus Christ is doing a great work in our city and we pray in yours also!

Your friend in need – Steev Inge Lead Pastor of a church called Mystery

Our verse through this time has been Psalm 31:19. We hope it moves you to trust his goodness in your life as well.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Transformation and Time

Years ago while in a used book store I picked up a copies of Cliff Notes for the Old and New Testament. I found them humorous and sad at the same time. But isn't that how most of our lives are- busy- too busy for family, for relationships, for fun....even too busy for God.
Most of us would like to think we have a great relationship with God. He comes when he is called, answers when he is needed, but is this a great relationship? Sounds more like a staff position God was hired to fulfill. And if there is one think I have managed to figure out it is that God is not paid staff.
Sadly we too often think of Jesus as unavailable and distant. But scripture says he is right here in our midst. (Part of the whole omnipresent thing) Relationships take time and effort and so does Spiritual growth. Five minutes a day with Jesus, if that, does not grow a healthy enjoyable relationship, we barely know each other. Walking with Jesus is not updating our Facebook status with him and checking his. It's time with him. In his word listening to him, time praying- talking- with him. Its sharing with others about him and asking questions. Its plumbing the deep things of God, theology and doctrine. When we want to really know anyone it takes time and takes honesty and intimacy that only comes from time and effort.
Our spiritual growth takes time, but it also takes a relationship that is close. As we walk with Jesus we see him, experience his presence, learn from and begin to emulate his actions. Sadly way too many professing Christians are just that, professing. There's not a lot of depth, a lot of growth, there's not a lot of joy. The joy that comes in knowing Jesus and in seeing yourself- your mind, your morals, your attitudes and actions transformed - sanctified if you will.
There are no shortcuts in the spiritual life. It takes effort, it takes a relationship, it takes the Spirit of God. It require repenting of sin continually, preaching the gospel to ourselves constantly and trusting in the Holy Spirit to mold us, discipline us, make us and it takes time.
Maybe today we spend an extra 15 minutes walking with Jesus. Share your day. Your fears. Your hopes and dreams. Maybe ask him to share his for you. Maybe this week you begin to ask where he wants you to grow. What he is trying to remove from you to replace in you more of himself. Maybe we tell a friend in our community group that your trying and you need some accountability. Maybe right now we simply examine our lives and acknowledge its going to take more time and effort than we though, but remember there is joy to be had in the labor of loving Jesus.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Been Baptized?
If you are a new Christian or have never been obedient to Christ in baptism we would love to meet and talk with you about celebrating with you what Jesus has done in your heart and life. We are currently organizing our next baptism celebration and want those with a need and desire to be "dunked" to let us know so we can be sure to include you in whats sure to be another fun and exciting time with the Mystery Family.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Mystery's New Web site is launching this week. Same address new look. Our plan is to have more articles and information for our visitors and members as well as keeping up with all the news and happenings at Mystery. Would love your feedback as we iron out the kinks and continue to add content. ENJOY.

Start the countdown now...

Monday, November 03, 2008


Men of Mystery resumes this week as "The Brotherhood". It's a great night of "dudedom" at Pastor Nate Karnes house from 8-10pm. Bring your bibles, we'll be talking about being men of the Word. We will be outside with a bonfire. Bring whatever you want to drink, eat or whatever. It BYOE (everything). Be there and bring a friend.