Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Old is the New New

We are currently discussing Kingdom Transformation at our Sunday Worship Service. The fact that we are called by God to find our Identity in Him. To express who are we in the city through the local church. To do this effectively the Holy Spirit must transform us completely begining with our hearts at conversion and moving on to our minds (values) as He sanctifies us.
The result of a radically transformed life, living a transformed lifestyle determined by new Kingdom values is priceless. Acts gives us a picture of the first followers of Christ. And you know what it was that was so attractive about the church that people respected andd joined it daily- authetnic transformation- people lived what they beleived. Jesus is King and has authority over all our lives. Jesus is sufficient and meets all our needs. Jesus is our example and we strive to live as he did.
If we view all of life as the product of our identity, worshipers of God, we would not need marketing or outreach plans. If we lived in the city, commited to glory of God and the betterment of the people, regardless of whether they are Christians or not, the world as we know it would be transformed.
Church Marketing Sucks just took a poll asking for the coolest promotional idea churches are using. Their were many humorous responses, the most effective idea remains transformed people living authentic Christian lives among the people.
There is indeed nothing new under the sun. The gospel is just as relevant and meaningful today . Jesus is still sufficient in all things.