Thursday, March 22, 2007

10 Ways to Avoid Building Community Within the Church

Mystery has as one of its values community. Real authentic, gut level commmunity is our goal. This is however one of the hardest things to find in any church. Community involves honesty and honesty involves risk, something most people, even followers of Jesus seem to struggle hardilly against. Mystery is a church where it is ok not to be ok. We want to be people who love one another and live alongside one another and enjoy each others company, humbly following the example of community set forth in the the Trinitarian God we worship.

Here is a great blog post featuring 10 ways to avoid building community in the church. Sad but true. I see myself in several of them. How about you?

"#9 Make your default response “everything is great”
People will always ask how you are doing. Make sure that you have your “default” answer ready so that when they ask you are ready to say, “everything is great!” This must be your default response, otherwise you might actually let on that your life is not perfect, or worse, that you are struggling."

Read the complete blog here.