Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Cross Centered Life

“If there is anything in life we should be passionate about it’s the gospel. And I don’t mean passionate only about sharing it with others. I mean passionate about thinking about it, dwelling on it, rejoicing in it, allowing it to color the way we look at the world. Only one thing can be of first importance to each of us. And only the gospel ought to be.” CJ Mahaney

I highly recommend this short little book by CJ Mahaney. It’s an easy read and great place to start when thinking about what it is to have a gospel-centered live. All of life should hinge on the gospel in the life of a Christian. Sadly, all too often we find ourselves distracted, forgetful and ultimately discourged in following Christ. The Way of Jesus is hard, but it should be a joy. Mahaney points out some keys ares in our life where we need to believe the gospel and apply it to our lives.

I recommend picking up a copy today and begin to read and pray through where it applies to your life. Jesus came to give us life a life that is full. The gospel must remain our strength, our identity and our hope…the cross of Christ must remain at the center of our lives.

1 Corinthians 15:1-3

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mission at Memorial

We had our end of season house group cook out this past Wednesday night. The weather was great, the food tasty, lots of fun and games and the people were a great joy to be around. Over 50 people showed up and I think percentage wise we most of broke some record for most church attendors who actually showed up for an event...haha it wass Great! We had tons of visitors and met lots of new and diverse people. It's always a joy to share in the fun with friends and new acquanitences.

This was one of the most encouraging and missional gatherings I think we have had as a church. It was very cool to see people mingling and meeting people for the first time. There was another church meeting in the park that night and there was not just a different demographically but the two gatherings were just night and day. They were wonderful people and aboviously enjoyed each other, but to look around and see so many people who normally would not darken the doors of a church, being welcomed by Mystery just really moved my heart to worship. God desires to be God and for us to reflect his love for people and community. We experienced that image in a very vivid way this week and it was incredible.

Jesus is good. Only he breaks down barriers and walls of division. Only he gives us the true acceptance we need and long for and this in turn allows us to be ourselves and to love others different from us. Much credit to the God's grace for making the people of Mystery such an enjoyable group of people.

We have several things "cooking" this summer including another, hopefully even larger outreach cookout in June. Come join us for more mayhem and mission!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Tomb

The empty tomb says, “You are more wicked and flawed than you ever dared to believe, and more loved and accepted than you ever dared hope.”

The empty tomb says you are so lost Jesus had to die to save you. But you are so loved Jesus was glad to die to save you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Mystery is having our end of the season,
beginning of summer COOK OUT. It's a fun
gathering of all our different house groups
and friends for an evening of eating, games
and conversation.

Join us at Memorial Park in Webb City.
Its at the corner of Ball and Daughtery near
the senior center. Party starts at 6pm.
Bring your appetite and a friend and help us
kick off Mystery's first full summer.

See ya there!


Mystery Up Coming Events:
May 23rd: Home Group Cookout at Memorial Park in Webb City
June 3rd: Service Project
June 17th – Block party Gathering Event

If you have a prayer need please email:
• Pray for God to grow your compassion for your neighbors and to see them
how God sees them.
• Pray that God’s Spirit would move in your neighborhood, doing the work
God promised.

Exodus 12:29-42, 13&14, Isaiah 43:1-7, Acts 7:17-38, Romans12:1-2, Galatians 3:12-14


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-32

We love our neighbor because we love our God and because he first loved us. Spend some time loving God through prayer as you endeavor to love your neighbor. Pray for God’s heart to be yours.

Here are some prayers to begin with:
Pray for the families in your neighborhood that you know—if you know them by name, pray specifically for them and any needs they might have. Pray for God to soften their hearts to hear His Gospel.

Pray for the families in your neighborhood that you do not know. Pray for opportunities to get to know them. Pray for opportunities to demonstrate God’s love to them.

Pray for those neighbors that have acted cruelly toward you (Matt 5:44). Pray for opportunities to smooth out tensions, as you take the first step toward reconciliation.

Pray for God to grow your compassion for your neighbors and to see them how God sees them (Col 3:12).

Pray for God’s Spirit would move in your neighborhood, doing the work God promised (John 16:8-11).

Pray that God would continue to send workers to carry out the mission of living the Gospel (Matt 9:38). Pray that God would continue to bring people to Mystery to help further God’s Kingdom.

Pray for Mystery to reflect the glory of God (John 17:21-23). Pray also that Mystery would speak and live the Gospel clearly (Col 4:3-5).

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Relaxing Your Grasp

"All around us we see Christians and churches relaxing their grasp on the gospel, fumbling it, and in danger of letting it drop from their hands altogether." John Stott Guard the Gospel

Thursday, May 17, 2007


We, as followers of Christ, are called and commissioned to “Love our Neighbors.” As a church, we are committed to living this out. We begin with our own neighborhoods, and we practice this intentionally on Mondays. Try something new each week. Be intentional and authentic. Be prayerful and deliberate-we are on mission together.

Here are some ideas to get you going:
Take a walk and pray
Attend or host a garage sale
Spend time on your front porch (play your guitar,read a book, cook out)
Mow your neighbor's lawn
BBQ (in your front lawn! For your neighbors!)
Clean up your street (pick up trash)
Put trash cans back for people after trash day
Bring people bread/cookies
Spend time outside in your yard/garden
Have a lemonade stand
Ride your bike, run, jog, or walk your block
Fast for your neighbors
Meet their practical needs
Do house projects together-help them paint and they can help you
Host a neighborhood Memorial Day, 4th of July,
Superbowl, or Labor Day Party
Have your neighbors over for dinner and games
Give the ice cream man $20 and tell him to comp the next 10 people that order
Rake leaves, shovel snow, weed-eat
Invite others in Mystery to do this with you!
Invite your neighbors to Mystery

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mistake and Temptation

"Our greatest mistake and temptation, is to try to smuggle character into God's work of grace." Sinclair Ferguson Know Your Christian Life



• LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR! We are beginning a summer long
project to encourage us as a church to be more about
others than ourselves and to think about living missionally
each day. Look for more in the coming weeks and check
the Mystery Blog for more information also.
This week’s goal- Continue to walk your neighborhood, pray and pick up trash.
Meet someone new and spend time in prayer for your neighbors.

• Only Two More Home Groups until Summer. Make plans to be with your
“home family” this week and then enjoy a church wide cookout next week.

• As a new church we have many areas of need. Some of these are set up and
tear down, audio and video, outreach/mercy team, hospitality and more.
If you would like to get involved in any area please see Steev or email Jeff at and we can get you plugged in right away.


Why we pray: 1. Move our hearts 2. To be focused and effective

If you have a prayer need please email:

• Pray for the families in your neighborhood that you do not know. and ask God
for opportunities to get to know them.
• Pray for opportunities to demonstrate God’s love to your neighborhood.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Culturally Savvy Pt 3

Mondays are for Mission.
Beginning in May we are encouraging everyone from Mystery to get to
know your neighbors. Begin to pray for your neighborhood. Walk
your streets, meet people, find out needs and share life.
Lets move as a church each Monday to truth AND deed. 1 John 3:18

Maybe You will even meet someone you can invite to church this week!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Weekly Bulletin


• LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR! We are beginning a summer long
project to encourage us as a church to be more about
others than ourselves and to think about living missionally
each day . Look for more in the coming weeks and check
the Mystery Blog for more information also.
This week’s goal- take a walk in your neighborhood, begin to pray for and meet
your neighbors. Ask God to show you needs and place people in your path.

• As a new church we have many areas of need. Some of these are set up and
tear down, audio and video, outreach/mercy team, hospitality and more.
If you would like to get involved in any area please see Steev or email Jeff at and we can get you plugged in right away.

• If you are new, visiting or would like to know more about Mystery, please
take a moment to fill out our visitor sheet as it comes around.


If you have a prayer need please email:

• Pray for the outreach/missions committee that is planning outreach and
service events for June. Pray that God would direct and guide their decisions.
• Pray for your neighborhood, for opportunity, needs and hearts.
• Ask God to give you compassion for people and a heavy heart for the city.


Scripture: Exodus 7-11, *9:16, Rom 1:18-25, 2:1-4, 3:23-24, 5:6-8, 1 Cor1:18-31, Gal 5:1