Monday, May 28, 2007

Mission at Memorial

We had our end of season house group cook out this past Wednesday night. The weather was great, the food tasty, lots of fun and games and the people were a great joy to be around. Over 50 people showed up and I think percentage wise we most of broke some record for most church attendors who actually showed up for an event...haha it wass Great! We had tons of visitors and met lots of new and diverse people. It's always a joy to share in the fun with friends and new acquanitences.

This was one of the most encouraging and missional gatherings I think we have had as a church. It was very cool to see people mingling and meeting people for the first time. There was another church meeting in the park that night and there was not just a different demographically but the two gatherings were just night and day. They were wonderful people and aboviously enjoyed each other, but to look around and see so many people who normally would not darken the doors of a church, being welcomed by Mystery just really moved my heart to worship. God desires to be God and for us to reflect his love for people and community. We experienced that image in a very vivid way this week and it was incredible.

Jesus is good. Only he breaks down barriers and walls of division. Only he gives us the true acceptance we need and long for and this in turn allows us to be ourselves and to love others different from us. Much credit to the God's grace for making the people of Mystery such an enjoyable group of people.

We have several things "cooking" this summer including another, hopefully even larger outreach cookout in June. Come join us for more mayhem and mission!