Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What Does it Mean to Know God Pt 1

Why Do I Need to Know God?

Our desire for personal knowledge of God is
strong, but we usually fail to recognize the
desire for what it is. When we first fall in love,
when we first marry, when we finally break into
our chosen field, when we at last get that
weekend house—these breakthroughs arouse in
us an anticipation of something which, as it
turns out, never occurs. We eventually discover
that our desire for that precious something is a
longing that no lover or career or achievement,
even the best possible ones, can ever satisfy.
The satisfaction fades away even as we close
our fingers around our goal. Nothing ever
delivers the joy it seemed to promise. Many of us
avoid the yawning emptiness through busyness
or denial, but, at best, there is only a postponement.
"Nothing tastes," said Marie Antoinette.
There are several ways people respond to this:

1) To blame the things themselves—to find fault
with everyone and everything around them.
Some people believe that a better spouse, a better
career, a better boss or salary would finally yield
the elusive joy. Many of the world's most
successful people are like this: bored, discontented,
running from new thing to new thing,
often changing counselors, mates, partners,

2) To blame themselves—to try harder to live up
to self-imposed standards. Many people feel they
have made poor choices or failed to measure up
to challenges and to achieve the things that
would give them joy and satisfaction. Such
people are wracked with self-doubts and tend to
burn themselves out. They think, "If only I could
reach my goals, then this emptiness would be
gone." But it is not so.

3) To blame the universe itself—to give up
seeking fulfillment at all. These are the people
who says, "Yes, when young you are idealistic,
but at my age I have stopped howling after the
moon." They become cynical and decide to
repress that part of themselves that once wanted
fulfillment and joy. But they become hard, and
they can feel themselves losing their humanity,
compassion and joy.

4) To blame and recognize their separation from
God—to establish a personal relationship with

Adapted from Timothy Keller, 1991

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


This Sunday is our monthly New Comers Forum. 4:30pm at the church in the fellowship hall.
If you have questions about Mystery, who we are, what we beleive, where we are going, this is the time for you. If you have questions about how to join Jesus on mission in Joplin through Mystery this is for you. And if you simply have questions about what it is to be a Christian then this is alos for you. Come join us, hear our heart, drink some coffee and maybe find a home.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

In Debted

If we were created in the image and likeness of God, then we owe him our life, whether we like it or not we are indebted to him.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Loving Your Church

The Book of Acts and other documents describing the early church are full of the language of unity and community. We know that unity is the heart of Christ – he prays in John 17 that the world will know [God the Father] by the unity that it sees among his own followers. We have spent time loving our neighbors this summer – and this must continue. We spend time loving our God through worship and gospel centered living.
As we continue to love our God and love our neighbor, we want to focus on loving each other as well. We want to eat together and work together and serve and pray and fast and take communion together. We want to do life together. What good would it be to attract 300 people to Mystery if we aren’t actively being the body of Christ to each other? How can we reach the city with the gospel if we’re not unified as one body through the gospel?
This month, we’re going to try to do two things: Eat together, and Pray together.

First, invite people into your homes – the neighbors you’ve spoken to but never spent time with, friends and new visitors from Mystery- Eat together and Enjoy each other.

Second, invite Mystery members over specifically to pray together – Pray for people to invite, Pray for our Outreach push into the fall, for the baptism celebration and cookout coming in August, for our city, for the men and women of Joplin, for the church of Joplin, for Mystery, for our pastor and our leaders, for unity and outreach.

Don’t wait for someone to ask you - it can be uncomfortable, but its powerful – and even more than that, it’s critical. Let’s be the church – the priesthood of all believers – that meets together, eats together, prays together, studies together, confesses sin, and shows the world the love of Christ by our love for one another and the unity within His church.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"The gospel isn't one class among many that you'll attend during your life as a Christian- the gospel is the whole building that all the classes take place in" - CJ Mahaney The Cross Centered Life

Monday, July 16, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Resting in Christ

"The gospel encourages me to rest in my righteous standing with God, a standing which Christ himself has accomplished and always maintains for me. I never have to do a moments lanbor to gain or maintain my justified status before God! Freed from the burden of such taks, I now can put my energies into enjoying God, pursuing holiness and ministering God's amazing grace to others.
The gospel also reminds me that my righteous standing with God always holds firm regardless of my performance, because my standing is based solely on the work of Jesus and not mine. On my worst days of sin and failure, the gospel encourages me with God's unrelenting grace toward me. On my best days of victory and usefulness, the gospel keeps me relating to God solely on the basis of Jesus' righteousness and not mine." - Milton Vincent A Gospel Primer for Christians

Romans 5:1-2, 1 John 2:1-2, Romans 4:3, Hebrews 4:3, Matt 11:28, Romans 5:18-21, 6:1

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Made for More

"Creatures are not born
with desires unless satisfaction for those
desires exists. A baby feels hunger: well,
there is such a thing as food. A duckling
wants to swim: well, there is such a thing as
water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is
such a thing as sex. If I find in myself a desire
which no experience in this world can
satisfy, the most probable explanation is that
I was made for another world. If none of my
earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not
mean that the universe is a fraud. Probably
earthly pleasures were never meant to
satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest
the real thing.
—C. S. Lewis

Friday, July 06, 2007

The Jesus Story Book

If you have kids get this book. If you do not have kids get this book. The Jesus Storybook Bible is beautifully illustrated and wonderfully written. One the great aspects of this book is how from the beginning of Genesis through the end of Revelation it's all about Jesus. Most kids bibles are just quick highlights of all the basic stories of the bible- Sunday School compendiums- not this one. It is Christological from the start. Everything is about God's perfect plan and wonderful kindness and love. This is not a straight literal translation, it does compile books into short thematic stories, but it is not intended to be a study bible or bible verse bible. Its a Storybook, God's Storybook. Its a little long at times for my 2 year old, but she loves the pictures and having me read it to her. My 9 year old think its great reading. But here is the clincher for me- I love it. I have turned to it in my preaching and teaching. It wonderfully and insightfully summarizes the gospel. The gospel is not the ABC's of God it is the XYZ's and this gorgeous little children's tale does what so many theologians often fail at. From beginning to end it clearly articulates God's plan of creation, fall, redemption and restoration and Jesus is always the hero of the story. Buy this book today.

Monday, July 02, 2007


On June 24th Mystery hosted a block party for the church and the neighborhood around where we meet. Numerous people spent the week walking the neighborhood, meeting our neighbors and inviting them to come join the fun.

Local businesses gave away prizes, we had kids games, basketball, horseshoes, live music and tons of food. There were balloons, air guitars, sun, inflatable monkeys, puppies, babies, grandparents...too much excitement for one day! It was a great time for Mystery.

We saw over 100 people come by the park that afternoon.
Some simply for a free meal, others to see what the hype was about.

There were people from the neighborhood, folks from Mystery and friends of Mystery. It was great to meet so many new people and bless our neighbors with no strings attached.

The Food was great as usual and the mission of loving our neighbors was at the for front of our minds. I really think we were the church that day, young and old, rich and poor, gathered for the purpose of extending kindness to the community. We are already excited about the next one.

Thanks to everyone who put in so much effort to pull this off. SUCCESS!