There is a new movie coming out this week called The Golden Compass. Its getting quite the stir from the Christian community, which until its seems just a couple weeks agao knew nothing about the books. Now it seems this movie is the new devil. Kind of like the Passion was the new Jesus. May I point out that neither of which deserves anywhere near those credentials.
The book is part of a series some have called the "anti-narnia". Pullman, who has admitted on his own, is not a fan of God and believes religion, Christianity in particular, is bad.
I would suggest though that rather than join the ranks of the picketing and loud protests of some of our "brothers" we might use this an an opportunity to engage people. Just as Christmas is a wonderfull opportunity to share love, truth and the message of Jesus so this too might be a gift from God to connect with people outside our normal sphere of life.
I am not saying go buy the book or see the movie even, that is up to you. I am however saying educate yourself. My wife is reading the first book now. My kids and I have been talking about the movie and watching the preview. Might be a great after of entertainment followed by long talks about Jesus. it might be just more smoke and mirrors to get the legalists riled up and the indifferent more distracted. Maybe i will just watch Lord of the Rings again and long for a day when the king truely does return.
For a well thought out commentary on the movie as well as some good advice on how to proceed and use this movie as an opportunity for living missionally and sharing the truth and grace of Christ with our friends.
Click to jump to Christianity Today article