Hello Everyone!
Welcome back to reality. The Holidays are over. Kids are heading back to school and its time to hit the gym again.
It is also time to wrap our hearts and heads around the mission of planting a church in Joplin. (Hopefully this never stops). It is a great time to invite people to church, bring up Christ in our conversations and think through reconnecting relationships as we begin a new year. People are saying to themselves "I should get back to church" this month along with all the other things they mean to do. As followers of Jesus we have a tremendous opportunity to connect with people and encourage their journey toward Jesus.
This is the time we are all convincing ourselves we will get better this year. Your friends are no different. Let me spur you on to think missionally and in a cross centered manner as we begin a new year. Who is someone you need to reconnect with? Who is someone you could call, meet for lunch, or invite to church or home group? Who has God burdened you with? Who are you avoiding? ITs not just Sundays, the week is full of opportunities to start taking seriously the call of Christ and share God's love by serving others and spreading the gospel in the city. Begin praying for opportunities. Start acting in faith. Stop putting it off. Challenge yourself and challenge someone else to commit to community. Stick it out with them. Call them out. Listen to
their needs. Ask someone in Mystery to hold you accountable to inviting people, and living as missionaries.
I would like to challenge us all to make 1 connection a day in January with people. Follow up with at least 2 of those people each week. Share your life and invite at least one of them per week into the community of Mystery. This is not just inviting them to a service, but committing to them and asking them to commit to you intentionally over the next few months.
What would happen potentially to our church, the city, the kingdom and to your life if we committed to trusting the gospel, living by faith and living committed to the the truth of Jesus' commission to ALL of us?
We have been given such a tremendous opportunity to bring glory to God in Joplin, to find our courage in Jesus, our Joy in Jesus, and our satisfaction in Jesus as we trust him to change lives (beginning with yours) and build a church for the city.
You are loved. You are called. We must act together for his glory, fpr the good of the city and for our joy!
Your Pastor and Fellow Missionary,