We live in the information age. More is available now at the push of a button than any previous time in history and yet we are more mentally impotent than ever as a people. Christians are not called to be intellectually neutered, on the contrary, God gave us brains to think and ponder the riches and wisdom of God and apply our knowledge of him to all of life.
We are called to love God not simply with all our heart and soul but with our mind as well. The call of the gospel is to be transformed in our thinking and reasoning through the renewing of our minds. This happens as we read our bibles, study theology and drink deeply from the wellspring of life, which is Jesus. I would challenge you to open scripture, study, read good books, examine the deeper side of knowing God and experience a strengthening of heart and mind.
Here is some suggested reading coinsiding with a series on The Cross we are currently preaching and teaching through:
The Cross of Christ by John Stott, Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll, Living The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney, The Atonement It’s Meaning & Significance by Leon Morris, Knowing God by J.I. Packer