Tuesday, April 22, 2008

News For the Week of April 22nd

Hello Mystery Family

Few items of interest, things to mark on your calendar and to be in prayer for:

1. Leader Training Day
Pastor Sudhakar will be with us the weekend of May 3-4th. Saturday May 3rd we are having a leadership training day at the Inges house. If you are over an area of ministry (that makes most of us as this is a church plant) please plan to attend this event. It will be from 10am -2pm on Saturday the 3rd and cover evangelism training and home/cell group training. He will be sharing how they do things in India and how that might be useful to us here in Joplin. Please come show your support and learn how to be missional. This is required for leaders but it is open to anyone wanting to come and learn.

2. Cinco de Baptismo!!
Monday May 5th is our second Baptism celebration as a church!! This is what it is all about guys. Come join us Monday Night Conco de Mayo to celebrate as a family the good work of Jesus Christ amongst us. There will be food, games and lots of water. We need to support hose being baptized and we need to see what God is doing. The church is bearing fruit and this is a wonderful opportunity to taste and see that the Lord is good!! Please be in prayer for the baptism candidates as this is an exciting but tough time as the powers of this world and the sin in our souls does come against those submitting to Jesus in baptism. Pray and pray hard for the church and for these people.

We are having our first ever Covenant Cookout Friday May 16th from 6-8pm. We will be praying together, eating good food and drinking good drink. It will be a night of vision, prayer and worship as we prepare for a new season as a church and for the season of summer ahead of us. If you are in covenant with Mystery, just shy of making it a requirement, we are asking that you make EVERY EFFORT to be at this event.

4. Prayer Nights.
Dont forget we gather every Tues night at 9pm downtown at the International House of Prayer (the old dioko coffee house) to pray for the church and the city. Join us it is one of the most authentic things we do.

5. Last but not least ...
Please remember that we are a new church still and that anyone and everyone makes a difference. Covenanting with Mystery is committing to be in a home group, committing to attending our sunday worship gatherings, faithfully being in prayer for the church, the city and the people you know and work with, and living intentionally as missionaries in the places we work, play and live.
It is very easy to forget that each person actively involved makes a huge difference. People are visiting Mystery and need to see people their loving their church, people are watching us live our lives and need to see people loving their church and applying the gospel to every area of their lives. Continue to Risk talking about Jesus, Commit to Faithful attendance, Continue to Trust the gospel and live for the glory or God. Great things are happening. Persevere in Prayer, Study Scripture, Enjoy God and Live as Missionaries and not consumers. Your church needs you, your friends need you, the city needs you- and we all need Jesus.