Mystery is taking a step in the marketing direction this fall advertising in Joplin's entertainment and arts magazine The Current. As a church in Joplin where religion comes before the gospel and church is more a buffet to fill ourselves on rather than commit ourselves to, we've struggled with how much we want to market Mystery. It's our hope that we would reach many people by word of mouth and through relationships built with people in our culture groups.
That said we are stepping into the advertising game. We decided to make ourselves accessible to people who might not normally check out a church. We are running at least 3 ads in The Current through August and into September aimed at poking fun at ourselves as Christians, addressing concerns non-Christians might have with church and trying to break the ice with unChurched people. We know it will ruffle some feathers, but it just might break down some barriers among people who we want to reach for Jesus. He hung out with the "wrong people" we hope we can too.
Here is the first of our three ads: