An absence of transforming change to your life exposes that our methods of change, let's call them saviors, are cheap substitutes. It is obvious we all are looking for, wanting even desperate for change. It's blatantly apparent this election season. But what can a politician change?
They can change our situations I guess, but cheaper gas wont fix a broken marriage. They can change foreign relations with other nations, but that wont eradicate addiction. They could raise or lower takes, but that doesnt offer love and acceptance, maybe just the just to buy some more false hope.
Where does real change happen then you ask? It happens inside of a person. True transformation must be internal. Changing the things around us is just shuffling the furniture. To be really transformed there needs to be an agent of transformation. What's yours? Where are you looking for "salvation"? In your circumstances? Your behavior? Your Thinking? To a politician or even a priest?
Jesus says in John's gospel "I am the way, the truth and the life..." Basically "I am the change your looking for."
Many people will present themselves as Four year (or eight year) saviors over the next few months, but non of them can accomplish what I need. At best they might change the world world (thats the problem right not me) but they cant, they wont (I wouldn't let them) change me. I know that in the end the are powerless, functional saviors not the real thing. We all know this, that's why we have term limits.
But Jesus knows no limits. He will cross all boundries even death to love us, accept us, forgive us and welcome us- this is what changes a heart and transforms a life. He and only he can change the world, one heart at a time.