Years ago while in a used book store I picked up a copies of Cliff Notes for the Old and New Testament. I found them humorous and sad at the same time. But isn't that how most of our lives are- busy- too busy for family, for relationships, for fun....even too busy for God.
Most of us would like to think we have a great relationship with God. He comes when he is called, answers when he is needed, but is this a great relationship? Sounds more like a staff position God was hired to fulfill. And if there is one think I have managed to figure out it is that God is not paid staff.
Sadly we too often think of Jesus as unavailable and distant. But scripture says he is right here in our midst. (Part of the whole omnipresent thing) Relationships take time and effort and so does Spiritual growth. Five minutes a day with Jesus, if that, does not grow a healthy enjoyable relationship, we barely know each other. Walking with Jesus is not updating our Facebook status with him and checking his. It's time with him. In his word listening to him, time praying- talking- with him. Its sharing with others about him and asking questions. Its plumbing the deep things of God, theology and doctrine. When we want to really know anyone it takes time and takes honesty and intimacy that only comes from time and effort.
Our spiritual growth takes time, but it also takes a relationship that is close. As we walk with Jesus we see him, experience his presence, learn from and begin to emulate his actions. Sadly way too many professing Christians are just that, professing. There's not a lot of depth, a lot of growth, there's not a lot of joy. The joy that comes in knowing Jesus and in seeing yourself- your mind, your morals, your attitudes and actions transformed - sanctified if you will.
There are no shortcuts in the spiritual life. It takes effort, it takes a relationship, it takes the Spirit of God. It require repenting of sin continually, preaching the gospel to ourselves constantly and trusting in the Holy Spirit to mold us, discipline us, make us and it takes time.
Maybe today we spend an extra 15 minutes walking with Jesus. Share your day. Your fears. Your hopes and dreams. Maybe ask him to share his for you. Maybe this week you begin to ask where he wants you to grow. What he is trying to remove from you to replace in you more of himself. Maybe we tell a friend in our community group that your trying and you need some accountability. Maybe right now we simply examine our lives and acknowledge its going to take more time and effort than we though, but remember there is joy to be had in the labor of loving Jesus.