Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas and Mission

It's a great time of year to connect and reconnect with people. Christmas is where we clearly see God as a Missionary. John 20:21 says that Jesus was sent by the Father on mission- His Mission to save sinners from Satan, sin, death and themselves.
As we celebrate Advent this year as a church let's all ask ourselves - Have you considered lately what God has done at his great expense to rescue us out of darkness, to warn, comfort us, lead us into his presence, his kingdom and our joy.
Maybe today with the cold outside we might be warmed again with the wonder of the great love with which he has loved us. How are we responding to his love? How are we sharing his love with others? Are we living, like Jesus as missionaries? Are we loving, like the Father and going into the world as a light to push back the darkness. This week lets be moved to worship him and live mission. Encourage a friend or a stranger. Smile. Live on less so we can give away more. Spend less, give thanks more. Teaach your children about the great things that God has done in Jesus and in your own life. Invite a friend to worship with you on Sunday. Invite new friends into your home. Introduce them to your church family. Pray- for friends, for family for your church for peace. Read about and remember Jesus. Thank him. Love him. Live for him, Enjoy him.

