Sunday, February 22, 2009


Currently Mystery is in a series called Love Song looking at romance, love, marriage and sex from a biblical perspective. These subjects bring up many questions for the church, Christians and men in particular as leaders called to love their wives and lead the church.
A huge struggle for men of all ages is lust and pornography. Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill church in Seattle has written an online book called Porn-Again Christian that's available to read for for free at and in downloadable pdf format.
I would encourage every man and definatley every guy at Mystery to read this book.
It's short, honest, biblical and very convicting and extremely helpful in dealing with such a pervasive and invasive issue weighing on men's hearts.
Download our Love Song series on the Song of Solomon and join us ove rthe next few weeks as we continue to talk about issues every Christian should address.