2Cor. 8:8 - I say this not as a command...
If you need a new law or a command to give then you don't understand gospel. There is not a law that is capable of changing a man. There is not a rule or regulation capable of perfecting a person.There is not a single statute that can save a woman from sin and death. This is reason for the gospel, the good news of God's unmerited mercy and free forgiveness offered at the priceless expense of his own Son. This is why salvation is all of Grace. Not a cheap grace. Not a merited gift. God did not save us reluctantly or under compulsion. The Father in love chose us, pursued us and adopted us. It is a great grace he lavished upon us while we were dead in sin and enemies of his.
This is the gospel we respond to every week as we come forward to take communion - remembering his kindness, generosity and the grace we have received in Christ Jesus. It is out of this gospel of grace that we give our tithes and offerings each week.
The measure of how much we give is not an issue of commands, but of the cross. As we look at the tree that Christ clung to willing, we are released from the things that we cling to so closely.
The ridiculous Grace of the gospel frees us to be radical in our generosity!