We are Worshippers
Everyone was made to worship. To worship is to revere and adore. When we worship we attribute glory and honor to someone or something. We all give ourselves and affections to something or someone. We’re hard wired to worship. Ever seen people at a concert or sporting event? Ever stood in awe of the mountains or the ocean? It’s in us and it longs to come out. We’re a church that worships Jesus.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism explains, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him for ever.” Jesus glorified the Father. (John 17:1,4) To follow Jesus is to bring glory to God- to worship him. We want to grow as worshippers. There are many idols and false gods in our city and in our lives. We want to replace them with the God of the bible, his truth and grace. As Followers we live to enjoy him everywhere, please him in everything and love him completely.
At Mystery this means we:
Live Holy Lives- Respecting God’s holiness - Keeping ourselves from sin
Live Humbly- Thankful for God’s Grace - Considering others above ourselves
Live Responsibly- Stewarding and managing God’s resources, accountable action
Live Obediently- Keeping all God’s commands- Doers of the Word not just hears