Monday, January 26, 2009


That we would be a church that...
...Is of One Heart, One Body and One Mission. cut to the heart; regenerated, repentant living as missional worshippers by the power of the Gospel.
...grow in size, depth and ability by the power of the Holy Spirit. submitted to scripture- a bible reading, bible learning, bible loving and bible living people. a church desperate and dependant on God evidenced by continual prayer.
…acknowledges that people need meaningful relationships with God and with one another.
...lives and loves as a devoted family full of God’s adopted children. exceedingly generous meeting the needs of our own and those we seek to know – just like Jesus. full of the fear of God (deep respect, awe and adoration) leading to holy and humble lives.
...loves to gather together, eat, laugh, study, pray and play together.
...replaces inauthentic religion with genuine worship.
...make disciples not merely religious people.
...loves those who don’t know and love God, longing for and praying for their salvation.
...understands our city and culture.
...lives as missionaries and evangelists in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces.
...lives to please Jesus and not ourselves, seeks to know, grasp and live in the surpassing worth of Jesus.

Would you make these your pleas and prayers over the coming weeks, for yourself, for Mystery & for Joplin?

- a church called MYSTERY