Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Evidence of Abiding Pt 1
Many people think that becoming a Christian is the same thing as being a Christian. We tend to see following Jesus as a one time event rather than a constant and continual lifestyle. To truly be a disciple, or Christ Follower, we have to following Jesus daily. Following him means we have had our eyes and hearts opened by the Spirit of God to see Jesus as he is - God, Savior and King. It means to respond to the Spirit by following Jesus faithfully. It means receiving a new identity (his) but it's also LIVING in this new identity each and every minute of each and every day. Jesus calls it "Abiding" in John 15. The word means to remain in, survive by, or exist. Thats pretty powerful. Not only does Jesus offer life, but he is life and to truly live we must remain in him. It's daily trust in his daily truth. Are you right now living in the reality of who Jesus is, what he has done and who you are in him? Are you relying on his identity and responding out of it in each and every decision? That's what it is to abide...to exist in Christ.