The reality of life is sometimes things are hard. It's a false gospel that says being a Christian is easy and that God desires that you be healthy, wealthy and trouble free.
Mystery is two weeks into our study of James and already James, in just the second verse, brings up the subject of trials. It was an issue in the lives of the early church and it's still an issue today. Life in Christ is still life. Anything that happens to a person can still happen to a Christian. THe question is not "if" Trials will come but "When and in what form". The better question for us is how are we as Christ Followers to respond to suffering and difficulty?
First we need to expect trials. They will come. Second we need to not evade or escape difficulty, but rather embrace them and ask ourselves what is God teaching me about himself, my sin and the gospel in this? God takes us through things more than around them.
Our world would have us believe trials are bad, but the gospel, while not giving us exact answers, does give us the tools to respond to suffering. Trails according to James yields spiritual maturity. He calls it "steadfastness" or "Stand-Fast-Ness". The ability to endure and grow through persevering.
What are the rewards of standing fast in suffering and difficulty. James gives a few in verse 2-4.
One Trials reveal and test our faith in God. Jesus wants us to know and acknowledge who we worship, live and hope in cause it has great consequences. Only Jesus can forgive sin and give life, so we want to know if it's Jesus we are loving and serving. Next Trials Refine our Faith. God is out to complete us in him and trials show our needs and build us up in the gospel. Refining is a process of progressive strengthening of our confidence in Christ. Lastly trials Realign our hearts. They are designed to move our eyes off ourselves and onto others. To turn our trust to God and nothing else, to turn our attention to the Cross of Christ and all that he accomplished for sinners in his life, death, burial and resurrection. Finally trials move our minds to have an eternal perspective on things. The kingdom of God is now, but it is also not yet. We need to consider our future in Jesus. It may seem rough now, but it will not be like this forever. Jesus will renew and restore all things. That is good news.
If we learn to live well in our trials, trusting Jesus and growing in the gospel there is peace and joy to be had in this world, even in the midst of difficulties, struggles an suffering.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising bthe shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. - Heb. 12:1-2