Thursday, December 20, 2007


Mystery will be partnering with First Presbyterian church of Webb City to celebrate Christmas Eve together Monday Night the 24th @ 7pm at our usual location at Broadway and Ball.
It will be a candlelight and communion celebration. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come out and worship together. It will be an enjoyable time of reflection, singing, scripture, communion and community with our friends of First Pres.

Luke 2:10

Monday, December 17, 2007

“The church today is calling people to God with a tone of voice that seems to confirm their worst fears.”
Tim Keller

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Mystery will be celebrating Christmas December 23rd at our Sunday Night service. Invitation cards are available in the lobby on Sundays. They are great ways to invite friends, family and total strangers to celebrate with you the birth of Jesus. Pick some up this week and hand them out. Start asking friends to join you Sunday the 23rd at 5:30pm for singing, sharing and teaching. Christmas is one of the best times to introduce people to church. Who knows... they might stick around.

Christmas just ain't Christmas without Jesus.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Well its been a crazy week around here. Rain, Ice and falling trees. Limited internet access so updates might not be coming regularly.

Please be in prayer for our city, the electrical workers and people struggling with loss of power and property.

It has been very encouraging to hear of all the people of Mystery banding together and sharing resources and warmth. These times really push us as people and show the strength of the gospel in our lives.

We are planning to continue as normal with home groups and Sunday service this week.

If you are in need of anything please do not hesitate or feel too proud to contact someone from the church or the church itself. We are a strong community and we have a loving, caring Father who provides for his kids through his church.

p.s. please do not forget in all the craziness that we are still raising support for the children of Uganda and India through our Give Love Christmas initiative. We have two weeks left to raise roughly $1200.00 for the kids.

Friday, December 07, 2007

A Golden Opportunity?

There is a new movie coming out this week called The Golden Compass. Its getting quite the stir from the Christian community, which until its seems just a couple weeks agao knew nothing about the books. Now it seems this movie is the new devil. Kind of like the Passion was the new Jesus. May I point out that neither of which deserves anywhere near those credentials.

The book is part of a series some have called the "anti-narnia". Pullman, who has admitted on his own, is not a fan of God and believes religion, Christianity in particular, is bad.

I would suggest though that rather than join the ranks of the picketing and loud protests of some of our "brothers" we might use this an an opportunity to engage people. Just as Christmas is a wonderfull opportunity to share love, truth and the message of Jesus so this too might be a gift from God to connect with people outside our normal sphere of life.

I am not saying go buy the book or see the movie even, that is up to you. I am however saying educate yourself. My wife is reading the first book now. My kids and I have been talking about the movie and watching the preview. Might be a great after of entertainment followed by long talks about Jesus. it might be just more smoke and mirrors to get the legalists riled up and the indifferent more distracted. Maybe i will just watch Lord of the Rings again and long for a day when the king truely does return.

For a well thought out commentary on the movie as well as some good advice on how to proceed and use this movie as an opportunity for living missionally and sharing the truth and grace of Christ with our friends.

Click to jump to Christianity Today article

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

By Faith

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:8,9

When you read these verses in Ephesians what comes to mind? What does it mean to you that that God has given you his grace. That despite our efforts and energy, despite our rebellion and insistence on being our own saviors God gives us himself. He saves us that we might boast in Him. That Jesus would be the source, focus and center of our joy.

It's December now. A time when we think about what to give others, what we want to receive, but have you paused today to ponder the gift of God- the gift of grace? How does this effect Christmas? By grace you have been saved, through faith, by God alone. Jesus died for sin, so that we might be set free. Free to revel and rejoice in Jesus.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Just a reminder that this is the season when people are open to here the gospel, check out a church and just talk about spiritual things and the meaning of life. How are you taking advantage of this? Who are you inviting to church and into your home? Who are you sharing life with? Where is your time and money going?

Here is a challenge this week. Invite someone you know over. Invite someone you meet to church. Go someplace new in Joplin and strike up conversations about life and Christmas.

Christmas is Mission
John 3:16, 20:21

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


"Nobody has understood Christianity who does not understand this word. It is the word Justified." - John Stott

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21

Friday, November 23, 2007


THE LAST MEN OF MYSTERY FOR 2007 is NEXT MONDAY Nov. 26th 7-9pm at Pizza by Stout

The next gathering will not be until February so you best get your man on one last time.

Free Cinnamon rolls and Arm Wrestling! Bring your book (or not) and join us for manly talk and challenging insights from the bible.

Turn those caps backwards and lets go over the top one last time till 08!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Working with the Arts

Mystery will be volunteering at the Spiva 60th annual membership show Friday November 30th.
10 volunteers are needed. We'll be helping set up tables, serve food and chatting with the people we're serving. Also we will handle tear down when the event is over.
This is tremendous opportunity to serve the local artist community. God is THE Creator and we value beauty and creativity as followers of Jesus made in the image of the creator to create.

Dress business casual we will be volunteering from 4-8pm.
Come meet new people, serve and celebrate the arts in Joplin.

Monday, November 19, 2007

What is the truth of the gospel?

The gospel is the good news that we sinners, guilty and under the judgment of God, may be pardoned and accepted by (God's) sheer grace, His free and unmerited favor, on the ground of his Son's death and not for any works or merits of our own. More briefly, the truth of the gospel is the doctrine of justification (which means the acceptance of God) by grace alone, through faith alone." John Stott

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us"
Galatians 3:13

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Last Saturday we had a great turn out to serve and love First Presbyterian Church where we meet.
Thanks to everyone who came and worked hard and served. What a great show of gospel unity and commitment. Everyone at First Pres. was very grateful and excited by the work.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

People Always Ask Me...

People ask me all the time what is Mystery?

1. We are a church. More specifically we are a gospel centered, biblically faithful, missional church. Which means:

Mystery is a community of people being transformed by the gospel of Jesus, in love with Jesus, Learning and applying the bible to our lives and living with a passion to see more people know Jesus and have their own hearts and lives changed.
As a church we exist for the glory of God and for the good of the city in which He has placed us to live.

2. A church is a place to meet new people, worship God and get involved in community, be real and build deep relationships. We value knowing who we are inn Jesus and sharing that with others as God shared himself with us through Jesus.

3. A church is more than a place it’s a people. And Mystery is a diverse biblical community where people seek to know and love God, live together along side others seeking to serve and transform the city by the power of the gospel.
Practically speaking, that means some of us are just checking out Christianity for the first time, while others have been in church their whole lives. There are people of all ages, diversity and backgrounds each with their unique story.

We’re a pace where its ok not to be ok. We are people who realize we’re not good at being good. We are a church and Everyone is welcome.

Love Live Enjoy – This is Mystery.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Tonight is Theology on Tap. Bring a Friend and Enjoy.
7-9pm at Pizza by Stout

The Promise

God made a promise to Abraham. In it he heard of grace.
God sent the law through Moses. In it we heard the truth of our need for grace.
God sent Jesus in grace and truth to fulfill the promise, to bless us and to make us a blessing.

Gen 15,17; Ex 20; John 1:14

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mystery in The Joplin Globe

Mystery Church is in the news all this week...sorta. Steev was invited to be the verse of the week guy beginning today and running through next Saturday. You can find him in the print edition and also online at The online edition has an added bonus of audio commentary about the verse as well as an interview with Dave Woods online Editor of the Globe about Mystery.
We are hoping they will do a feature on us in the coming months. Please pray for that as it would be great exposure for Mystery.
The verse commentaries and the interview will also be available in the coming weeks via our iTunes podcast. If you subscribe to that you will get it automatically as they are posted.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Who are you inviting to church this week?
Who are you spending missional time with this week?
Who from Mystery are you inviting into your life this week?
Who are you building relationships with this week?
Who are you praying for and trusting Jesus with this week?
What's their name? What's holding you back?
Where is Christ your confidence and assurance?

See you Sunday!


Please bring yard working equipment and cleaning supplies. Lunch will be provided. Contact Lindsay Matush if you need more information.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Why do we cling to Our Stupidity?

Galatians 3:1,3
O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit are you now being perfected by the flesh?
How do we live Foolishly rather than by Faith?
We deny God’s work in our lives, ignore scriptures teaching of God, the gospel and our salvation and we reject justification by Faith alone and live foolishly trusting ourselves.

Why do we cling to our Stupidity?
If I have a low view of God’s involvement in my life I can keep my Pride and control.

If I devalue the bibles authority over my life I lesson my responsibility for my actions and I can keep Sinning.

If I increase in my moral goodness, I am superior to others and I can lesson my guilt and debt toward God.

What is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him?
Our God is in the heavens; and he does all that he pleases.
Psalm 8:4
Psalm 115:3
"A Christian is someone who has reached the end of himself and his own moral resources."
Mark Dever

Monday, October 29, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just wanted to say hello and remind you of everything that's
going on around here. Sundays have been exciting and the
weeks are full of Mystery too.

Check the updated web site for current happenings.

Lately I've seen churches using gimmicks to get people to
come to church. Some even have door prizes....yes door
prizes. While we dont have toasters, ipods or color TVs
(and wont by the way) we do have great people who love
Jesus and want to live along side others who want to love
Jesus and live out the gospel too.
Life is hard. Its tough out there. We know it aint easy and we
know that following Christ and living by Faith is a tricky thing.
Mystery longs to be a church where it's ok to be not ok, to have
fears, doubts and even difficulties. No perfect people and no

Maybe join us this week and see. Maybe bring a friend.
Maybe see what its like to be real among a bunch of people
like yourself.

Are you in Home Group? We have several to choose from.
Are you growing in the gospel, community & love for the city?
We hope so.
Do you have it all figured out? Neither do we....

Love Mystery

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Two Sides of Mission

The missionary command of Christ for his church has two sides:
1) There is the command to go and disciple, which is an impossible task itself.
2) There is the promise from Jesus to be with us as we obey the command, which is the power to do the impossible task

Taken from Outgrowing the Ingrown Church - C. John Miller

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ministry Leaders Meeting

There is a meeting tonight (Monday the 15th) for everyone involved in leading areas of ministry for Mystery.
It is from 7-8:30pm and we are meeting at the First Presbyterian building. Please be there.

Vehicle for Gathering

"The church herself is more than the goal. She is also the vehicle, the instrument, for gathering in the people of God. Christ has no other agency for accomplishing this work." - John Miller

Ministry Leaders Meeting

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

MYSTERYCHURCH.COM OVERHAUL is updated with a new look & more stuff!
Check out all the new content, resources
and information. Find a Home Group, more
about Mystery or answers to common Questions.
Find out all the latest happenings and Events.
Surf on over now and check it out. Book Mark Even!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


God is a Missionary. He saves sinners and builds a church to send them back into the world to transform whole cities and cultures. The church belongs to God. We are redeemed to worship and for the mission of restoration. We exist to push back the darkness and bring the light of the gospel to the people and places where God has placed us. We are not a social club- Every follower of Jesus is a missionary sent with a mission- first across the street, then throughout the city and around the world.

Monday, October 01, 2007

A New Series - By Faith


“Do you want to know your new life is real. Commit yourself to a local group of saved sinners. Try to love them. Not 3 weeks, not 6 mo. but for years. You will find out, others will too, whether or not you love God.”
- Mark Dever
Community is Messy- Just the Way God likes it.
“Community is a Gift of Grace”- Bonhoeffer

Friday, September 28, 2007


The New Mystery Bumper Sticker is Out Now! Yup Blatant Marketing at it's finest. Hey it's missional! Represent your church. Proclaim our Mission. Be accountable for your driving skills. It's so much more than a sticker...It's Mystery for your car!

They are available for $1000.00, which all goes toward the work of the church. Or free on Sunday Nights.


"Behavioral compliance to rules without heart-change will be superficial and fleeting. The gospel changes your heart. " Tim Keller

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Oh Lord, you have searched me and
known me!
You formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's whom.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in the secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Psalm 139:1,13-15

Monday, September 24, 2007


J.I. Packer- “Because God is what he is everything else is as it is.”

Truth is reality & Ultimate reality is God who the bible says is himself the essence of all that is true.
Mystery believes in one True Triune God- Sovereign, Perfect, Just, and loving.

God’s truth is not explained by us- it explains us.
Truth is not found, it is Revealed in creation, in through the Bible and primarily in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Mystery believes the Bible is God’s self-disclosure to mankind, the final authority for faith and life. All of the Bible leads us to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone

Jesus is Truth and is Life for those who receive him as Savior and Lord by faith alone.
In our day and age truth as seen as relative, everything is to be questioned- including then relativism.
Ideas have consequences-“Ways of thinking produce ways of acting”- Piper
Bible is either about you or Jesus. Only one of those is true.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Believe in a Thing Called Love

"To feel God’s love is very precious, but to believe it when you do not feel it, is the noblest. He may be but a little Christian who knows God’s love, but he is a great Christian who believes it when the visible contradicts it and the invisible withholds its witness."- Charles Spurgeon

Monday, September 17, 2007


“Do you want to know your new life is real. Commit yourself to a local group of saved sinners. Try to love them. Not 3 weeks, not 6 mo. but for years. You will find out, others will too, whether or not you love God.”
- Mark Dever

Community is Messy- Just the Way God likes it.

“Community is a Gift of Grace”- Bonhoeffer


Home Groups Begin Next Week. We would like to see everyone that calls Mystery their church in a home group. As we grow it's hard to maintain intimacy. Through HGs we live real life, authentically and openly. We live as family, knowing one another, our needs, our concerns and our hopes. We can grow in Christ through study of the bible, prayer, fellowship and experience. Pick a Home. Commit to Community. Love and be Loved.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


On August 25th Mystery gathered as a family to celebrate. We joined as the church to share real life together.

Jesus has done a lot in the lives of this rag tag group of people over the last year, but none quite as cool as this. Two young men who have submitted their lives to Jesus where baptized. It was a wonderful gospel moment. They where joined by family and friends, shared their testimonies and were immersed in obedience to scripture and the call of Christ.

It was awesome. This was followed by a Mystery family picnic. The Holy Spirit, Transformed lives, Good friends, Good food and plenty of sunshine, simply an awesome day to experience God’s grace and to be the bride of Christ.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Home Groups Begin Next Week. There are several locations around the city with three nights to choose from so there is bound to be one for you. We will be going through the book of Galatians as a family this semester so its a great time for community, worship and study together in a much more intimate setting than Sunday nights. Everyone who calls Mystery home should be involved in one.

Get more information and Sign up on Sunday nights or email us at Include "Home Group" in your subject line.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Hey everyone –
Just wanted to remind you back to school donations are due THIS Sunday. This is the last day to bring your gifts. If you haven’t already purchased your donations, please purchase one of each of the following items:
-hand sanitizer
-room deodorizer
-Kleenex boxes
-healthy snacks
-nonperishable foods
-loose-leaf notebook paper
-board games and puzzles with all of the pieces
-books and books on tape
-Zipped trapper keeper binders
-Reward items
-AA batteries

This is more than simply buying and giving supplies this is an opportunity for God to change us – he doesn’t need us, but he lovingly calls us to sacrifice and experience his grace- we get to not have to.


Through the month of September we are walking through a series called “Family Values”.
We’ll be discussing the DNA, or heart, of Mystery- What makes us who we are- makes us unique.

Values are the Core Concerns of any society, individuals and movements- the hub of culture.
As Mystery Moves to a new stage as a young church it's important to articulate who we are, getting everyone on the same page.
Our Family Values are our deeply held convictions & priorities. They are what influence and motivate everything we do.They define us as a church and as a people who make up this rag tag community of Christ Followers
Values explain us, and teaching us how to relate to God, Each Other, to our city and the world in which we live.

It's a Great time to check out Mystery. Come see our vision, hear our hearts and learn what makes us tick.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Substitute Product

“Without realizing it, we have during the past century bartered that gospel for a substitute product which, though it looks similar enough in points of detail, is as a whole a decidedly different thing. Hence our troubles; for the substitute product does not answer the ends for which the authentic gospel has in past days proved itself so mighty. The new gospel conspicuously fails to produce deep reverence, deep repentance, deep humility, a spirit of worship, a concern for the church…. (The gospel) was always and essentially a proclamation of Divine sovereignty in mercy and judgment, a summons to bow down and worship the mighty Lord on whom man depends for all good, both in nature and in grace. Its centre of reference was unambiguously God. But in the new gospel the center of reference is man… Whereas the chief aim of the old was to teach men to worship God, the concern of the new seems limited to making them feel better. The subject of the old gospel was God and His ways with men; the subject of the new is man and the help God gives him. There is a world of difference. The whole perspective and emphasis of gospel preaching has changed.” - J.I. Packer

Monday, August 27, 2007


Come join us for the first gathering of Men of Mystery
Tonight 7pm at Pizza By Stout on Rangeline Rd near HomeDepot

We will be talking about what it is to be a man and follow God.

Friday, August 24, 2007


If you are coming to the Baptism Picnic Saturday the 25th (which you should)
it is from 5-7pm RAIN OR SHINE. Bring food for yourself and something to share.
It will be at Wild Cat Park in South Joplin.

Take Main Street south past interstate 44. Past the Harley Dealership.
It is the second street on the right (west) past the Harley shop. Its a brand new road. The park is still under construction. Enter and follow the road all the way to the end. Past the ball field etc. At the back is a small picnic area and a boat loading dock. we should be
there if all goes well.

**IF THE PARK IS CLOSED (it is from time to time because of the new construction) then go back north on main to GLENSTONE (just before the harley shop and go West on Glenstone like you are going to the falls. We will be on one of the parks there just before the bridge.
This is the back up location only.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Lots going on as summer comes to a close. Mark your Calendars.

• Baptism Celebration and Picnic Saturday, August 25, 5pm-7pm, Wild Cat Park.
Come eat with us and rejoice in the work of Jesus in the lives of Mystery!
Please bring a dish to share.

• Home Group Training for hosts and leaders begins on Wednesday, August 22
at 6:30pm at Kent and Anna Phillips’ home.

• Mom’s Forum - All moms and moms-to-be are invited to the Inge‘s on
Saturday, August 25 from 10am-noon.

• Men of Mystery Gathering - Monday, August 27 from 7pm-9pm. More info
coming soon.

• Exploring Mystery is a forum for those who are new to Mystery or interested
in finding out about what it means to be a part of the church. It will be
available on the last Sunday of every month beginning at 4:30pm in the
Fellowship Hall.

What Does it Mean to Know God Pt 3

When we believe in Jesus:

1) Our sins are paid for by His death, and
2) His perfect life record is transferred to
our account.
So God accepts and regards us as if we
had done all Christ has done.
3) What You Must Do
You must repent. There first must be an
admission that you have been living as your
own master, worshipping the wrong things,
violating God's loving laws. "Repentance"
means you ask forgiveness and turn from that
stance with a willingness to live for and
center on Him.
You must believe. Faith is transferring your
trust from your own efforts to the efforts of
Christ. You were relying on other things to
make you acceptable, but now you consciously
begin relying on what Jesus did for
your acceptance with God. All you need is
nothing. If you think, "God owes me something
for all my efforts," you are still on the
Pray after this fashion: "I see that I am more
flawed and sinful than I ever dared believe,
but that I am even more loved and accepted
than I ever dared hope. I turn from my old life
of living for myself. I have nothing in my
record to merit Your approval, but I now rest
in what Jesus did and ask to be accepted into
God's family for His sake." When you make
this transaction, two things happen at once:
1) your accounts are cleared, your sins are
wiped out permanently, you are adopted
legally into God's family, and 2) the Holy
Spirit enters your heart and begins to change
you into the character of Jesus.
You must follow through. Tell a Christian
friend about your commitment. Get yourself
training in the basic Christian disciplines of
prayer, worship, Bible study and fellowship with
other Christians. You can contact Mystery, and
we will be eager to connect you with someone
who can help you begin to grow as a Christian.
Consider reading:
Go for It, by John Guest or Basic Christianity
by John Stott both good books for developing
a new Christian life.

Adapted from Timothy Keller, 1991

Friday, August 10, 2007

Baptism Forum August 15th

What is baptism? Who should be baptized? Why Do Christians do it? Do only Christians baptize? We will be exploring the history and meaning of baptism, what the bible teaches about its purpose and significance along with some common misconceptions. If you have ever considered being baptized, wondering or worried about your own baptism or just want to find out what it means to be a Christian this time of teaching is for you. Its August 15th at 7pm in Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian Church of Webb City. Check the Web Site for more information. Everyone is welcome.


Power of the Gospel

Religion operates on the principle: "I obey, therefore I am accepted". The gospel operates on the principle: "I am accepted through Christ, therefore I obey." So the gospel differs from both religion and irreligion. Not only can you seek to be your own ‘lord and savior’ by breaking the law of God (i.e., through irreligion), you can also do so by keeping the law in order to earn your salvation (i.e., through religion). A lack of deep belief in the gospel is the main cause of spiritual deadness, fear, and pride in Christians, because our hearts continue to act on the basis “I obey, therefore, I am accepted.” If we fail to forgive others--that is not simply a lack of obedience, but a failure to believe we are saved by grace, too. If we lie in order to cover up a mistake--that is not simply a lack of obedience, but a failure to find our acceptance in God rather than in human approval. So we do not ‘get saved’ by believing the gospel and then ‘grow’ by trying hard to live according to Biblical principles.
Believing the gospel is not only the way to meet God, but also the way to grow into him.

From Tim Keller's The Gospel the Key to Change

Monday, August 06, 2007

What Does it Mean to Know God Pt 2

How Can I Know God?
In order to know God we must know three things:

1) Who We Are
We are God's creation. God created us and built
us for a relationship with Him. We belong to
Him and owe Him gratitude for every breath,
every moment, everything. Since humans were
built to live for Him (to worship), we will always
try to worship something. If not God, we will
choose some other object of ultimate devotion to
give life meaning.
We are sinners. We have all chosen (and reaffirm
daily) to reject God and to make our own joy and
happiness our highest priority. We do not want
to worship God and surrender our self-mastery,
yet we are built to worship; so we cling to idols,
centering our lives on things which promise to
give us meaning: success, relationships, influence,
love, comfort, etc.
We are in spiritual bondage. To live for anything
else but God leads to breakdown and decay.
When a fish leaves the water, that which he was
built for, he is not free, but dead. Worshiping
other things besides God leads to a loss of
meaning. If we achieve these things, they cannot
deliver satisfaction, because they were never
meant to be "gods." They were never meant to
replace God. Worshipping other things besides
God also leads to self-image problems. We end
up defining ourselves in terms of our achievement
in these things. We must have them or all
is lost, so they drive us to work too hard or fill
us with terror if they are jeopardized.

2) Who God Is
God is love and justice. His active concern is for
our joy and well-being. Most people love those
who love them, yet God loves and seeks the
good even of people who are His enemies. But
because God is good and loving, He cannot
tolerate evil. The opposite of love is not anger
but indifference. "The more you love your son, the
more you hate in him, the liar, the drunkard, the
traitor." (E.H. Gifford) To imagine God's situation,
picture a judge who is also a father, who
sits at the trial of his very guilty son. A judge
knows that he cannot let his son go, for without
justice no society can survive. How much less
can a loving God merely ignore or suspend
justice for us who are loved, yet guilty of
rebellion against His loving authority?
Jesus Christ is God. Jesus is God Himself come
to earth. He first lived a perfect life, loving God
with all His heart, soul and mind, fulfilling all
human obligation to God. He lived the life you
owed—a perfect record. Then, instead of
receiving His deserved reward (eternal life),
Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice for our sins,
taking the punishment and death you owed.

Adapted from Timothy Keller, 1991

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What Does it Mean to Know God Pt 1

Why Do I Need to Know God?

Our desire for personal knowledge of God is
strong, but we usually fail to recognize the
desire for what it is. When we first fall in love,
when we first marry, when we finally break into
our chosen field, when we at last get that
weekend house—these breakthroughs arouse in
us an anticipation of something which, as it
turns out, never occurs. We eventually discover
that our desire for that precious something is a
longing that no lover or career or achievement,
even the best possible ones, can ever satisfy.
The satisfaction fades away even as we close
our fingers around our goal. Nothing ever
delivers the joy it seemed to promise. Many of us
avoid the yawning emptiness through busyness
or denial, but, at best, there is only a postponement.
"Nothing tastes," said Marie Antoinette.
There are several ways people respond to this:

1) To blame the things themselves—to find fault
with everyone and everything around them.
Some people believe that a better spouse, a better
career, a better boss or salary would finally yield
the elusive joy. Many of the world's most
successful people are like this: bored, discontented,
running from new thing to new thing,
often changing counselors, mates, partners,

2) To blame themselves—to try harder to live up
to self-imposed standards. Many people feel they
have made poor choices or failed to measure up
to challenges and to achieve the things that
would give them joy and satisfaction. Such
people are wracked with self-doubts and tend to
burn themselves out. They think, "If only I could
reach my goals, then this emptiness would be
gone." But it is not so.

3) To blame the universe itself—to give up
seeking fulfillment at all. These are the people
who says, "Yes, when young you are idealistic,
but at my age I have stopped howling after the
moon." They become cynical and decide to
repress that part of themselves that once wanted
fulfillment and joy. But they become hard, and
they can feel themselves losing their humanity,
compassion and joy.

4) To blame and recognize their separation from
God—to establish a personal relationship with

Adapted from Timothy Keller, 1991

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


This Sunday is our monthly New Comers Forum. 4:30pm at the church in the fellowship hall.
If you have questions about Mystery, who we are, what we beleive, where we are going, this is the time for you. If you have questions about how to join Jesus on mission in Joplin through Mystery this is for you. And if you simply have questions about what it is to be a Christian then this is alos for you. Come join us, hear our heart, drink some coffee and maybe find a home.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

In Debted

If we were created in the image and likeness of God, then we owe him our life, whether we like it or not we are indebted to him.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Loving Your Church

The Book of Acts and other documents describing the early church are full of the language of unity and community. We know that unity is the heart of Christ – he prays in John 17 that the world will know [God the Father] by the unity that it sees among his own followers. We have spent time loving our neighbors this summer – and this must continue. We spend time loving our God through worship and gospel centered living.
As we continue to love our God and love our neighbor, we want to focus on loving each other as well. We want to eat together and work together and serve and pray and fast and take communion together. We want to do life together. What good would it be to attract 300 people to Mystery if we aren’t actively being the body of Christ to each other? How can we reach the city with the gospel if we’re not unified as one body through the gospel?
This month, we’re going to try to do two things: Eat together, and Pray together.

First, invite people into your homes – the neighbors you’ve spoken to but never spent time with, friends and new visitors from Mystery- Eat together and Enjoy each other.

Second, invite Mystery members over specifically to pray together – Pray for people to invite, Pray for our Outreach push into the fall, for the baptism celebration and cookout coming in August, for our city, for the men and women of Joplin, for the church of Joplin, for Mystery, for our pastor and our leaders, for unity and outreach.

Don’t wait for someone to ask you - it can be uncomfortable, but its powerful – and even more than that, it’s critical. Let’s be the church – the priesthood of all believers – that meets together, eats together, prays together, studies together, confesses sin, and shows the world the love of Christ by our love for one another and the unity within His church.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"The gospel isn't one class among many that you'll attend during your life as a Christian- the gospel is the whole building that all the classes take place in" - CJ Mahaney The Cross Centered Life

Monday, July 16, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Resting in Christ

"The gospel encourages me to rest in my righteous standing with God, a standing which Christ himself has accomplished and always maintains for me. I never have to do a moments lanbor to gain or maintain my justified status before God! Freed from the burden of such taks, I now can put my energies into enjoying God, pursuing holiness and ministering God's amazing grace to others.
The gospel also reminds me that my righteous standing with God always holds firm regardless of my performance, because my standing is based solely on the work of Jesus and not mine. On my worst days of sin and failure, the gospel encourages me with God's unrelenting grace toward me. On my best days of victory and usefulness, the gospel keeps me relating to God solely on the basis of Jesus' righteousness and not mine." - Milton Vincent A Gospel Primer for Christians

Romans 5:1-2, 1 John 2:1-2, Romans 4:3, Hebrews 4:3, Matt 11:28, Romans 5:18-21, 6:1

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Made for More

"Creatures are not born
with desires unless satisfaction for those
desires exists. A baby feels hunger: well,
there is such a thing as food. A duckling
wants to swim: well, there is such a thing as
water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is
such a thing as sex. If I find in myself a desire
which no experience in this world can
satisfy, the most probable explanation is that
I was made for another world. If none of my
earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not
mean that the universe is a fraud. Probably
earthly pleasures were never meant to
satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest
the real thing.
—C. S. Lewis

Friday, July 06, 2007

The Jesus Story Book

If you have kids get this book. If you do not have kids get this book. The Jesus Storybook Bible is beautifully illustrated and wonderfully written. One the great aspects of this book is how from the beginning of Genesis through the end of Revelation it's all about Jesus. Most kids bibles are just quick highlights of all the basic stories of the bible- Sunday School compendiums- not this one. It is Christological from the start. Everything is about God's perfect plan and wonderful kindness and love. This is not a straight literal translation, it does compile books into short thematic stories, but it is not intended to be a study bible or bible verse bible. Its a Storybook, God's Storybook. Its a little long at times for my 2 year old, but she loves the pictures and having me read it to her. My 9 year old think its great reading. But here is the clincher for me- I love it. I have turned to it in my preaching and teaching. It wonderfully and insightfully summarizes the gospel. The gospel is not the ABC's of God it is the XYZ's and this gorgeous little children's tale does what so many theologians often fail at. From beginning to end it clearly articulates God's plan of creation, fall, redemption and restoration and Jesus is always the hero of the story. Buy this book today.