Saturday, June 17, 2006

Looking like Fools

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  • Georgia Congressman Lynn Westmoreland undergoing some "spiritualgative" reporting by Stephen Colbert.

    I like humor and I like satire. This is most likely why i enjoy Stephen Colbert so much. He has a way of showing us what we are. all of us. There is something about toying with hypocrisy and ignorance that results in eye opening laughter. The abilty to see our faults, laugh at them and then seriously reflect on them is something that is genuinely human and potentially profoundly Christian.
    There are definate times in my life when Jesus is a lot like Mr. Cobert. He just sits back listening to me whine and moan about my self. He watches me live and work out my beliefs and interact with people all with a slight smirk on his knowling face. And then at just the right moment he exposes me. sometimes to myself in private. Sometimes blantanly in public for all the world to see. I think sometimes I make him embarassed. Sometimes i make him very sad. Other times I think he just shakes his head and laughs.
    We need to learn to laugh more. We need to learn to look more deeply at our lives. We need to weed out the hypocrisy and the arrogance of thinking we are better than we are. What we do and who we are reflelts who Jesus is in the eyes of a watching world. If we are no more than a joke we have failed. If we are fools for Christ then we can count all this to Gods glory.
    This video clip was a good reminder to me. A reminder to laugh. A reminder that Christian trinkets do not make me a Christ follower, mandating laws do not change hearts and if you are going to scream about something know what you are screaming about. Proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sin-not more laws. Proclaim freedom and hope- not more restrictions. Preach a new heart and transformed mind not a political party.
    This hurts my heart, reveals my own hypocricy and stings.

    Thats "truthlious" to the core.
