Thursday, June 15, 2006


Well here i sit in the hospital waiting to see myu little girl after surgery. seems technology is moving into Joplin quickly. FREE WIRELESS! I heard yesterday that the local McDonalds are now Hot spots as well. Hmmm. Joplin-you've come a long way baby. i have seen an increase in usage over the years by teens (the largest growing segment of population). I Have witnessed an increase in the effects of cable, internet and now wireless in everyone ones lives. When i moved here there was a definate lag in styles, knowledge and trends but in just the last year or two it has been cut in half or more as technology and information become so much more accessable. This new "glocal" invironment is even coming into smaller markets now such as Joplin further showing how our lives will come closer and closer together and the lines of urban and suburban will draw closer together creating all new cultures and changing dramaticly the current culture groups. Interesting. I wonder what the effects of all this new technology will be on people in the area. specificlly how will it effect the church as a whole. I wonder will we embrace and use this-redeeming it for Christ or run and hide from it adding technology to our "don't do it" christian bubble list.
