Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Raise the Roof!

God has been very good to our church. A year and half ago God graced us with a new home in downtown Joplin, right in the heart of the city and in the middle of all that we felt God was calling us to engage in as a church. It’s easy for me, and I am sure for all of us, to overlook and take for granted these things of grace, but God is doing great things in the hearts of people and in the heart of the city through our efforts and his blessing of a building.

As owners of 514 S. Main, we are called to be stewards of God’s resources. It’s inevitable, isn’t it, that once you buy something it always asks for more. (Call it the Fall) Our building has several needs now, and it’s our responsibility as a church to care for them together. We share in the ministry, mission and even money as a community. The primary and immediate concerns are 1. Repairing the Roof and 2. Fixing the rear Façade.

We knew the building would need a new roof—we just thought we might get another year or two out of the existing one. But that’s not the case. With the large amounts of rain and bad weather the need has come quicker than expected, and despite attempted repairs it has grown to be a sizable problem. With the removal of the big green metal façade on the back of the building, the rear of our place is now also exposed to the elements. Broken windows and unsealed brick need to be closed up so we can responsibly protect our investment.

Several of the leaders of Mystery have spent many hours talking to roof specialists and getting quotes. As you know, we have a LARGE space with a BIG roof. After a wide range of quotes, much talk and lots of prayer, we decided on a roofer that could do the work for a manageable cost. (By manageable, we mean if all of us contribute to the effort.) Fixing the roof was not optional at this point. It would continue to deteriorate rapidly, and this would not be a good act of stewardship on our part.

We know that things are tight for many of us, and that is why we are asking everyone to get involved in this project. If each individual contributes to the cause, no one person would have to bear the weight. Over the course of August and September we are seeking to raise the necessary funds to meet this needs. We are the church together, and that means we all currently have a need as a body.

What can you do? Give. If you would forgo a few things over the next couple of months, most everyone could contribute $50, $100, $500 or more, and it would go a LONG way. One hundred people mobilized for mission can tackle this with little to no effort. We are asking everyone who calls Mystery home and family to prayerfully and sacrificially give to this effort. Additionally, we will need everyone to serve. Along with money we need good old-fashioned hard work. We will be doing several things ourselves to cut costs, and all of us contributing will again go a long way. Please talk to Pastor Nate, myself or Vance Eden to find out how you can help with the physical and financial efforts over the next month.

There is a big need—but let’s remember we have a bigger God. I would ask us all, as we have done before, to rise to the challenge for the sake of the gospel as well as our personal growth and joy in Jesus. It’s my privilege to labor alongside you in the gospel to see lives transformed and a city changed for his glory and our good!

Your Pastor – Steev Inge