Mystery Exists to Glorify God through lives transformed and a city changed by the power of the gospel.
We’re a church with a vision to see others worship and enjoy fullness of life in Jesus Christ. When we read a passage like Acts 2:36-41, we find that having experienced His great love for them, Jesus’ disciples desired to express that love to others. They wanted the world to know Jesus like they knew him, finding new life, identity and purpose in him. Through Jesus life, death, burial and resurrection we are adopted into a new community and given a greater connectedness with God and one another.
We believe God is still actively at work in his world, pursuing and saving people, starting new churches and pouring out the Holy Spirit.
The gospel alone transforms lives, changes whole communities and redeems entire cities. No law, no religion, no rules can ever do what the gospel can. Only God saves and only Jesus can rescue and restore all things, which is exactly what he is doing one life, one church and one city at a time.
We are praying God will transform us into agents of change in our city.
Mystery exists to bring the Kingdom of God to bear in our city. The gospel sends us into our cultures to seek the peace of our city, expressing justice, mercy and love and extending grace to all people. We long to see the gospel impact businesses, government, culture, education and the arts. We actively seek opportunities to serve and love the leaders as well as the least of our city.
As people are changed, cities and regions are redeemed. Our goal and the goal of the gospel is great joy in God through transformed lives.
“Behold I am making all things new.” – Jesus (Rev 21:5)