Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcome to Mystery

We have a packet of information we hand out to first time guests at Mystery. It's a small little self printed booklet, but it is a great summary of who we are as a church. Of the next week we will be posting the contents of the booklet here. If you have never been to Mystery its a good introduction. If this is your church think of it as a refresher course.


We’re really glad you chose to visit us and are excited to get to know you more! We love hearing other’s stories and learning how we can serve you best and connect you with others in our growing community of Christ followers.

Life’s not meant to be lived in isolation. Just as God exists in community as Father, Son and Spirit so we, his creation were made to live intimately alongside one another; sharing, caring, loving, praying and providing for each other in community.

At Mystery it is our hope that you will find a safe place alongside other sojourners to examine Christianity, explore gospel community and experience gospel grace.

As God’s image bearers we were made to live for something bigger than ourselves. It’s that deep longing for meaning we all know and yearn for. The good news is that God does have a plan and purpose for his people. In love he saves us and assembles us as his church. God then sends us out on his rescue mission to love and serve the world, seeking others to share in his love, experience his grace and participate in his great cause. Jesus is creating a new humanity that lives as his kingdom community for his glory, our joy and the good of the city.
This booklet is our first way of sharing who we are, why we exist, where we’re going and how you can share in what God is doing in our lives and in our city.

We’re glad you’re here and hope you’re experiencing and enjoying His grace.