What We Do | Mystery’s Gospel Rhythm
We have a purpose as a church. Some would call it a mission, we refer to it as rhythm. We exist to make much of God in all things. As we grow in our gospel identity we express it to the watching world by reflecting gospel grace in a life of gospel rhythm.
We Love
We love Jesus because he first loved us. A genuine Christian is marked by gracious and generous love. We exist to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, doing everything as an act of adoration toward him. Christian love is evidenced in our love for one another in the church and those in the world.
We Live
We live because Jesus lives and gives us life. We exist to live for Jesus and to live the way of Christ. We live as people saved by God’s grace and not by our own religious works. We long to live biblical Spirit filled lives. We are committed to a missional lifestyle, of sharing the gospel, service, and sacrifice.
We Engage
We engage because Jesus has engaged us. We are meant for deep intimacy with God. As Christians we are freed from sin to engage Christ, his church and our culture. The life of a disciple is about actively engaging the gospel through worship, community and mission inviting others to experience the same.
We Enjoy
Being a Christian should be fun! We have joy because of Jesus. The news of his birth was an announcement of great joy. Scripture teaches that salvation is marked by joy and that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy. We live to be happy in Christ and believe that by enjoying Jesus, his people and his gifts we bring him the most glory and satisfy our souls. God is our joy and delight.