Who We Are | Mystery’s Gospel Identity
The simple answer is that we’re a church, but that has many meanings today. More precisely we’re a group of Christ-Followers gathered by God, growing in Christ, empowered by the Spirit to live our gospel identity, in gospel community and on gospel mission.
We are Worshippers
Everyone was made to worship. We all give ourselves and affections to something or someone. We’re hard wired to worship. Ever seen people at a concert or sporting event? Ever stood in awe of the mountains or the ocean? It’s in us and it longs to come out. We’re a church that worships Jesus. As Followers we live to enjoy him everywhere, please him in everything and love him completely.
We are Learners
To be a disciple is by definition to be a learner. We are Jesus’ disciples. He is our Master, Teacher and Friend. We follow him, learning to walk the way of Jesus and becoming like him. We know him and grow in him by the Spirit through the study of his Word.
We are Servants
Jesus is God. This was His claim, but His bold statement was not accompanied by arrogance or superiority, rather by meekness and service. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. We live putting others first in caring, sharing, providing for and praying for them.
We are Missionaries
God is a missionary. He sent his Son to save the world from sin and He sends his church. We are to be a city on a hill, a ray of hope, an example of love and a witness to the truth. Every Christian is sent to live on mission sharing the gospel verbally and visually in their workplaces, neighborhoods, cultures and cities. It’s a lifestyle.
We are Family
When we, through faith in Christ, become a Christian we are adopted as God’s children. What great news! In Jesus we’re made brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. This is the church. Christian growth always happens best in community living as God’s family.