Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FIGHT! One Day Mens Conference at Mystery


Men often fight for the wrong things in the wrong way. In order to fight for the right things in the right way, there are several things we must understand:

FIGHT FOR CHRIST – the importance of the Gospel in a man’s life.
In order to fight well, a man must understand the Gospel, be changed by the Gospel, and continually live in response to the Gospel. A man fights for Christ only after he sees how Christ has fought for him. Christ is the warrior who has conquered Satan, Sin, and Death, and the battle He has fought and won gives a man courage, strength, and hope to fight for Christ in his own life.

FIGHT FOR COMMUNITY – the importance of the Church in a man’s life.
Men are tempted to try and fight alone, but fighting alone is a terrible battle plan, and results in casualties. Jesus is the only one to successfully “go it alone” and it still cost His life. Christ died to save his people – the Church – and to bring us to God. When Christ saves a man, He calls that man to not only fight for, but also alongside others whom He has saved.

FIGHT FOR CULTURE – the importance of Mission in a man’s life.
A good fighter doesn’t stay in his corner when the bell rings, and Jesus didn’t save us that we might never enter the fray. There is a battle, a fight, a mission, and that mission is not accomplished by staying home, staying safe, and staying comfortable.

Join us November 13 for this free one-day event where we will learn to FIGHT!

For More information jump on over to the web site fight2010.com